Take this link.. Then let's discuss. =)
Disney is beginning to work on the Nausicaa dub, they are deciding if they want a theatrical release or put it straight to DVD, big names are going to be on the dub, Patrick Stewart, Uma Thurman and maybe Natalie Portman.

Spirited Away was number 3? It was a good movie but one of my least favorite Ghibli movies. I thougt it deserved to be on the overrrated list but yes the clear domination is by Studio Ghibli and Miyazaki, if you include Castle of Calisgistro it's 6 out of the top 10.

Hmm, Banner of Stars was 47 and I don't see Crest of Stars. I found the first series to be much better.

Haibane Renmei is also the only series I haven't seen out of the top ten but soon I'll check out the R1s

Haha, FLCL rules supreme.

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Take this link.. Then let's discuss. =) - by matthewmalay - 10-31-2003, 11:40 AM

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