The Trigun Supposed *REMASTERED* Edition
Hey All

While waiting to get FX Trigun on this site, I search animeniacs and found a "REMASTERED" version of this DVD. The site says the following:

-= Trigun Perfect TV (Remastered) (1 - 26) =-
(1) Independent openings for each episode
(2) Subtitles bugs fixed
(3) New Menu

And I was think, WOW, FX finally fixed their problem. A perfect Trigun DVD. So I go on to order it, wait a week, and boom, I'm excited.

Pop in the DVD and notice some anomalies. The subs are stillnotspacedproperly. And the infamous #name!

So what ticked me off is that the seller advertised a false claim. And when I emailed support, their response was that "it was a mastered version of the R1, all the subtitle errors are also in the R1". Bull.

Further persistence on my part received a "I've never watched Trigun, so I really don't know".

Now, I could return it, but I wanted an FX Trigun prior to knowing of a REMASTERED edition. And they'd probably charge me for the return shipping.

:mad: soo ticked.


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The Trigun Supposed *REMASTERED* Edition - by da3dl3us - 10-15-2003, 09:30 AM

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