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The Trigun Supposed *REMASTERED* Edition - Printable Version

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The Trigun Supposed *REMASTERED* Edition - da3dl3us - 10-15-2003

Hey All

While waiting to get FX Trigun on this site, I search animeniacs and found a "REMASTERED" version of this DVD. The site says the following:

-= Trigun Perfect TV (Remastered) (1 - 26) =-
(1) Independent openings for each episode
(2) Subtitles bugs fixed
(3) New Menu

And I was think, WOW, FX finally fixed their problem. A perfect Trigun DVD. So I go on to order it, wait a week, and boom, I'm excited.

Pop in the DVD and notice some anomalies. The subs are stillnotspacedproperly. And the infamous #name!

So what ticked me off is that the seller advertised a false claim. And when I emailed support, their response was that "it was a mastered version of the R1, all the subtitle errors are also in the R1". Bull.

Further persistence on my part received a "I've never watched Trigun, so I really don't know".

Now, I could return it, but I wanted an FX Trigun prior to knowing of a REMASTERED edition. And they'd probably charge me for the return shipping.

:mad: soo ticked.


The Trigun Supposed *REMASTERED* Edition - ToTo247 - 10-15-2003

can you tell us which store it is ? :eek:

The Trigun Supposed *REMASTERED* Edition - RaNDoM - 10-15-2003

I have the real R1 boxset of Trigun and i can tell you that they never misspell vashs name. I never once saw Dash or anything like that.


The Trigun Supposed *REMASTERED* Edition - da3dl3us - 10-15-2003

yeah, I thought I put it in the message


That's who I bought it from...

The Trigun Supposed *REMASTERED* Edition - sanosuke - 10-15-2003

the battle begins again.....

The Trigun Supposed *REMASTERED* Edition - CrayonShinChan - 10-16-2003

The remastered discs has a red shiny TRIGUN logo. Just check the ones you got are not the old version.

The Trigun Supposed *REMASTERED* Edition - da3dl3us - 10-16-2003

So a REMASTERED Trigun exists? Well, my logo is not shiny.

Do you own a remastered edition?

The Trigun Supposed *REMASTERED* Edition - CrayonShinChan - 10-16-2003

That was the details according to Flora. Similarly the remastered Bebop has a slightly different printing of the logo compared to the old ones.

I personally trust Flora if he says they are remastered. What i suspect is that they sent you an old one.

Did the one on animeniacs say it was remastered? If it did and they sent you an old one i think you have a case. I think i have a couple sets of Trigun remastered here.

The Trigun Supposed *REMASTERED* Edition - da3dl3us - 10-16-2003

Yeah, well, I emailed their support and they said they'll talk to Flora and ask about it and if its the case that there was a remastered, they'll send me a new one.

Thanks for all the help. May be back if this problem ain't resolved.

Ah, the trials and tribulations of HK anime. Big Grin

The Trigun Supposed *REMASTERED* Edition - Mien777 - 10-19-2003

I just order a trigun set here in importanime, hoping that this will be the remastered set which I think it is. Didn't receive it yet though.

The Trigun Supposed *REMASTERED* Edition - CrayonShinChan - 10-20-2003

I did have a look at the trigun remastered disk one and it is different. The menu is new and there is an extras menu on it but there is only one picture in each of the image & sketch galleries. The credits do indeed look differnt. Didn't try the subs though.

And the trigun logo on the dvd is indeed shiny but only subtly different from the old one.