why do some ppl like their anime dubbed?
I'll be honest. It doesn't matter about all the points I had already put up. It all boils down to preference. They could have hired the creme de la creme of Japanese VAs for the Akira Movie, however, I still love listening to the old track with Leonardo playing Kanaeda. I totally love watching Cowboy Bebop in Japanese, but totally love watching Tenchi in English. There is no real rhyme or reason to my listening habits. More often than not, the language I watch my anime in is totally determined by one of 3 factors. Either A) what I heard it in first, B) My HK DVDs come in Japanese only, C) longets exposure.

I should explain C. I had watched DBZ for quite a few episodes back when the Freeza saga was new in English. I must have seen around 20 or so episodes in English, but because of my desire for more DBZ, I acquired many recorded episodes of DBZ past the point toonami was at, and proceeded to watch hundreds more episodes in Japanese. So, while I had a lengthy exposure in English before Japanese, I prefered the Japanese version leaps and bounds more (also, I hated the Dub's music...it was awful). Given the choice between the two languages, it's typically up in the air, whatever I think sounds better and which ever series has better sounding characters. More often than not, the Japaense characters sound alike to me (except in rarecases, where I can point out characters like Vash from Trigun, Spike from Cowboy Bebop and Goku and Vegeta from DBZ), so if I typically am neutral about how they characters sound (especially considering it's not my native tongue). I find it ludicrous for anyone to make a total judgement about which version of the anime they will watch all the time, considering the variable nature of actors.

But, that's just my 2 cents (or possibly three or four).

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why do some ppl like their anime dubbed? - by kakomu - 10-01-2003, 01:38 AM

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