why do some ppl like their anime dubbed?
i believe someone has already pointed that 99.9999999% of anime is originally in japanese so i think that justifies my point. and i watched vampire hunter d: bloodlust in english because it was intended to be viewed that way.

Prophet Hero:
i know that because anime is being dubbed in the usa that it will undoubtably have americian accents galore but it would be nice if the actors at least tried to get into character by at least attempting to hide their accents no rubbing them in our faces. a certain mister john clements suggested to manga entertainment that patlabor should be dubbed by english voice actors to get an english cop drama feel to the show (i think he had "he bill in mind"???), now i would have liked to see that!

excellent point that i should have pointed out myself, i must be slipping in my old age! the reason the acting in japanese dubs are so much better is because they are actioning with their co-stars not with a tape recording while tring to keep in sync with a cartoon!

Junkie Joe:
hurry up and lock this thread its quite obviously became a "dub vs sub thread"!!! hurry or someone may die!!!
see you space cowboy...

Messages In This Thread
why do some ppl like their anime dubbed? - by sanosuke - 09-29-2003, 02:20 PM

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