why do some ppl like their anime dubbed?
Quote:Originally posted by Suzakuseikun
I'd like to point out not ALL anime is like that. Vampire Hunter D was originally done in English, later in Japanese. Gundam 0079 was overviewed by Tomino when the dub was made, and he wanted it to be done how it was.

And the way anime was intended to be watched was without subtitles, so if you're watching it WITH subtitles, your flawing your own logic there.

Nice, i love it when people like to point to 1 or 2 serie's/movie's, when there are heuuuu ... 2000+?? who arent the exeption of the rule?

Your way of using 1 or 2 serie's as way's to justify your opinion doesent fly here ... 99.9% of the anime is originaly Japanese voice acting. Trying to use a 0.1% as a excuse is flawed logic.

Most Japanese Voice acting are better then there dub counterpart's. It's bad to see some texas cowboy voice trying to act like a samurai ... jikes ...

There have been only a few serie's where the dub was on the same level as the original japanese ( hellsing is one of them ). It's funny to hear things like "the Butler sounds like a badass in english where as in the Japanese he sounds a little wimpy". People kinde forget that the butler is a servent. A servent thats sounds "like a badass" ... hmmm ... Did somebody already notice the culture difference between the producer & the dub makers??

I also find it funny to read in this trait, that becouse you can't understand Japanese, that means you can't understand the emotion that the voice acters put behind there character ( i've seen this argument a lot of time's from ignorent dub watchers )... When you don't like to lisen to a non english lang., what the voice acter say will ALL sounds the same to the lisseners. I made this bold just so people won't look past it. It's only when you TRY to apprisiate a lang. that you notice the difference's between the emotion's expressed by the actors. And this is something that is rarly done by 100% dub watchers ...

The same with the sub reading argument, that is use so many time's ... you DON't lose your top half of your screen when watching subs. When you only watch subs a few time's in your life, ofcourse your eye's will focus on the underside of the screen, becouse they arent used to it!!! Try watching a few serie's with subs ... FORCE yourself to watch them, and you will notice after a few eps, that you won't have so mutch trouble with sub wachting & "losing the entire picture". After a while, you get used to it. We sub watchers are in most case's doing this for years already. We can focus our eye's, in a way that we see the entire picture & the subs, widout the need to keep our eye's focused on those subs .. It's all in training ...

Again, this all come's down to 1 thing in my eye's:

People are lazy.

They are used to dub's, and the effort of trying to view a non-native lang. is to hard for them. Then all the excuses come from "not seeing the entire picture", 'japanese sounds all the same' etc etc ...

Side note: 100% sub users also have that flaw ( i for one can't stand most dubs becouse they all sounds like some guy from texas did the voice dubbing (aka, to mutch US english accent in the dubbing )) and this breaks the realism of the serie for me.

So it all come's down to how open your mind is, how your tast is, and how your country is a dub / sub country. That's it...

All these dub vs sub discussion's are WORTHLESS!!!! It's all a pathetic attempty by all people to try & justify there own preference over other people. End of story.

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why do some ppl like their anime dubbed? - by Arcon - 09-29-2003, 07:46 AM

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