why do some ppl like their anime dubbed?
Quote:People in ancient Japan should be speaking Japanese, not english. Just my thoughts.

See this has been my view on most anime from the get go. Kenshin I watch the Dub only Ancient japan I want to hear japanese. Same For ROLW they have a Mytical Europe setting with knights and what not I love the English hands down. But (there is always a but)

I have my series like Ranma, Slayers, Trigun, & Hellsing. Trigun was so well done and the whole western feel made the english feel very natural. Hellsing now we are talking 100% europe here and the Butler sounds like a badass in english where as in the Japanese he sounds a little wimpy. Slayers it falls into the ROLW area and the english is off the hook, but on the same note Megumi Hayashibara, is the voice of Lina and she is at the top of the game when it comes to JP voice acting...

Ranma I have a love hate relationship with the voice acting. The first 4 seasons were done by a core cast of VA and the male voice of Ranma, and Ryouga were great (no tony the tiger puns please) but then VIZ took over and the VA's for those two charcters left (or were fired what ever) and the new actors left me with a bad feeling in my ear. So I went to the Japanese track haven't looked back. Megumi Hayashibara is the voice of Female ranma and it works great. But have no doubt isf I am watching a Season 4 or before I will listen to in english. Oh well enough out of...sorry for the Rant....
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!

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why do some ppl like their anime dubbed? - by morgorath - 09-28-2003, 01:46 PM

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