Split from Top 5 oldest members who have never posted!!!!
Well I am on the one team one fight band wagon, but let me make this very clear... The Guard and Reserve wil put into place for one reason. No one wanted to be drafted. Everyone hated the draft so now we just ask those to do the two weeks once a month thing until something like Iraq comes up. The Guard and Reserve people get some many perks that I really hate when (like schultz) I turn on the TV and see some Guard and Reserve wife (or husban) bitching that they don't have money, or he is away from his real job and home. Yea guess what I don't care and I don't give a crap that he went from his 100,000 year job to a 36,000 year job. He got all the benfits for 12 years (look them up I won't go into what they are) now it's payback time so people like us active duty don't have to do 6 months then come home for 4 just to go back for another 6.

The people hated the draft because they had no choice when your number was called you went so we went to this were people come of there own free will and still want to bitch and complain sorry you will get no pity from me...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!

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Split from Top 5 oldest members who have never posted!!!! - by morgorath - 09-28-2003, 04:33 AM

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