why do some ppl like their anime dubbed?
I guess it boils down to the quality of the dub job for me or in some instances how I first saw the show. With My Neighbour Totoro, Ninja Scroll, and Castle of Cagliostro I much prefer to watch these with the dub jobs just because it's how I'm most familiar with the characters. I watched Totoro millions of times before finally getting a chance to hear the original Japanese language track and it just sounded funny to me because I already had the American VAs associated with it.

That being said, there are tons of shows that I can't stand the dubs just because they feel like they are either being totally over acted or just read off a page. It seems that it is easier to find a well dubbed movie than a well dubbed TV show.

If I can get a good dub job, I will watch that just because it's easier and I'm lazy. At the same time, even a mediochre dub job bugs me and I'll switch to subs in a big hurry.
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why do some ppl like their anime dubbed? - by Zagatto - 09-27-2003, 07:01 AM

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