why do some ppl like their anime dubbed?
Well.....emotions and feelings are most likely felt the same way in japan as they are here Big Grin So as long as you can Hear the japanese audio you should be able to recognize that feeling and emotion in the actor's voice.

The problem with dubs is that sometimes the english actors fail to grasp the feeling the original japanese actor had while playing the character.
Not all of it of course, there is a lot of anime out there that has been done quite well.

I like dubs for the re-watching of an anime..sometimes while watching things I get up and move about, place my focus elsewhere, or watch while playing a game orusing the computer, so it's nicer if I can hear what's going on, without having to watch the screen at all times to catch what everyone is saying.
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why do some ppl like their anime dubbed? - by vitris - 09-26-2003, 05:46 PM

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