09-26-2003, 02:20 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Lonely_monkey21
Okay, this gonna sound really wierd, but I've been "pulled" over while walking. When I can't sleep I like to go for walks, so this one night I go walking on my regular route and this cop pulls infront of me and asks what I'm doing. Granted it was around midnight on a Saturday and I was walking around the streets of a town. He proceeded to ask me questions... He asked me like 20 times if I was beening chased, or if i was in danger. (Why yes officer, I'm walking really fast to escape the evil man behind me.) Please, but he threatened to call my parents and then asked me their names. Heh I never thought my mothers maiden name would come in so handy I think I was pretty smooth that night.
It might have been because you were probably breaking curfew.