You guys ever watch the old Max Fleischer Superman Episodes ?
Walmart you say???

Darn, I must be looking in the wrong Walmarts. Smile The only animation DVDs I've been able to fish out of those "Treasure Bins" is a few 2-in-1 Beauty and the Beast/Cinderella discs that appear to be made on-the-cheap in like '99. Puerile garbage. Maybe I can dig a bit deeper next time, but I wonder if I'll have to check other locations.

The one episode that sticks out most clearly in my recollection is the Jungle Temple one where, I think, Superman rescues a girl (Lois?) from some troublesome natives. Those old technicolor cartoons are so stylistic and bold. I seem to remember lots of flashes or explosions. Kinda Fritz Lang-y if u ask me. Also, Gulliver's Travels was awesome. I watched it until the tape broke. Smile

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You guys ever watch the old Max Fleischer Superman Episodes ? - by six_plus_one - 09-02-2003, 12:31 PM

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