Anyone recommend Anime?
If you liked Kenshin, you might like Fushigi Yuugi. It's in a bit of the same demi-historical vein, though the genre is magical girl. The demi-historical part is the Three Kingdoms period of China, and I thought the visuals had a lot of the same flavor. The plot has a good bit in common with InuYasha. Girl gets sucked into magic book, agrees to go on a quest to save a kingdom, acquires friends and a love interest, many obstacles surmounted, true love triumphs, that kind of thing.

If you like the whole spunky-girl-alternate-world-quest thing, try Escaflowne. It isn't a hugely complex plot, but there's a lot of introspection about fate and human will and that. Mecha *and* magic. Lovely visuals, great music.

Of the two popular "space westerns" I would say yes for Trigun and maybe no for Cowboy Bebop. Trigun is straightforward. Bebop is not; it's also depressing as all get out if you're in the wrong mood. It's beautiful, don't get me wrong, and if you especially liked the Kyoto arc of Kenshin, well go ahead and try it. But it's not light reading.

If you want something light, hit Outlaw Star, a space western which has action and space ships plus the occasional romance and comic relief. Pretty basic quest for the energy-grail by romantic outlaws plot.

Actually, that reminds me, try Tenchi Muyo. Personally, I'm most fond of Tenchi Muyo Universe, but Tenchi in Tokyo seems to have a stronger romantic thread. It's all romantic comedy; the basic idea is normal teenage boy landed upon by female interstellar houseguests all of whom seem to fall madly in love with him. Diverse alarums ensue. Bears some similarities to Ranma.

When you've got more anime under your belt, you might check out the Excel Saga; it's basically a parody of all anime types. It's hysterically funny if you're tuned in to Japanese culture, but won't make a lot of sense if you're not.

Messages In This Thread
Anyone recommend Anime? - by aznmnky123 - 07-28-2003, 10:25 AM
Anyone recommend Anime? - by evilomar - 07-28-2003, 11:08 AM
Anyone recommend Anime? - by Shinn Asuka - 07-28-2003, 11:30 AM
Anyone recommend Anime? - by evilomar - 07-28-2003, 11:33 AM
Anyone recommend Anime? - by Legato 2057 - 07-28-2003, 01:35 PM
Anyone recommend Anime? - by johnkillingsworth - 07-28-2003, 01:46 PM
Anyone recommend Anime? - by Vicious - 07-28-2003, 05:59 PM
Anyone recommend Anime? - by SurferX - 07-29-2003, 08:48 AM
Anyone recommend Anime? - by Sam - 07-31-2003, 09:50 AM
Anyone recommend Anime? - by Japschin - 08-09-2003, 11:53 AM
Anyone recommend Anime? - by megajo53 - 08-09-2003, 04:06 PM
Anyone recommend Anime? - by dvd_master - 08-09-2003, 04:14 PM
Anyone recommend Anime? - by vicnuts - 08-31-2003, 01:04 PM
Anyone recommend Anime? - by Ravenwood - 09-01-2003, 08:24 AM

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