08-26-2003, 10:55 AM
Reading all of these posts about old games brings back a hell load of memories. I remember FF1, man it pissed me off when Chaos would cast Cure 4...uurrrggh, Bionic Commando, Mega Man, Commando, Metal Gear, Double Dragon, Ninja Gaiden, Ultima, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Kung Fu lol, Karate Kid catching the flies with chopsticks was hilarious lol, I can't remember if Maniac Mansion was on NES or my computer, I had well over 60 games and it's kinda hard to remember them all ...Man, I had so many NES games that rocked. I regret selling the games and system off now. I wish I still had them. A game that is old school style and hard as hell is Ikaruga for the Gamecube. My roommate owns it and, man the game style is cool and so are the graphics. If you just like old-style shoot em up this game rocks. It's kind of like the game Raystorm for the old PS1. I'm not sure if they made Raystorm for the U.S. or not, but I have the import version and it's hella cool. I own the new Contra on PS2, but I haven't tried it on the normal mode yet. I think I can beat it since I beat the easy mode with dying like maybe 3 times. Man it took forever to remember all the patterns...hopefully the continuation of the battles won't be too much harder, but since it's Contra I'm just having wishful thinking.
If you are reading this, you obviously have nothing better to do with your time.