The people behind the silly names ^_^
You guys are making me feel like the "old man" of the group and I'm only 32!!!
I remember watching my first anime back in the 70s when Speed Racer first aired in North America. I didn't know it was from Japan... all I knew was that it was a cool cartoon.
As I aged, I saw the release of Robotech, Mazinger, Battle of the Planets, Starblazers, and Voltron (maybe not in that exact order) and realized that these Japanese cartoons were way better than the GI Joe, He-Man, and Care Bears cr@p that was coming out during that time.
The first time I saw something that I labelled as "anime" was driving down to Chicago in '89 or '90 to see Akira on the big screen.
It wasn't till '97 or so that I found out about fansubs. Then a whole new world of anime was opened to me.
Playing with Gnutella based share software introduced me to even more series. The difficulty I had finding specific series led me to discover the HK DVD market.
All told, my collection isn't one of the largest I've seen. I have about 50 video tapes (both store bought and fan subs) and 30 or so DVDs (both r1 and HK). The reason you don't see me trading yet is that I'm having trouble deciding what anime I'm willing to part with.
My favorite director is Miyazaki and my favorite character is Lupin III. My wife has a tattoo of Totoro on her thigh.
I was born in Michigan but moved to Ontario 5 years ago to be with my wife (who is Canadian). April 10 this year marked the arrival of our daughter Katina who takes up more time than all my different passions.
Here's a brief list of my hobbies: SCA (medieval recreation), Warhammer 40k,video games (PS2, SNES, V-Boy), comic books, photography, Bit Char-G, and in-line skating. Somewhere in all this madness, I make time to watch an hour or so a day of video (currently watching the Muppet Show).
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.

Messages In This Thread
The people behind the silly names ^_^ - by Shibo - 07-28-2002, 10:31 AM
The people behind the silly names ^_^ - by Shibo - 07-28-2002, 11:54 AM
The people behind the silly names ^_^ - by Zagatto - 07-28-2002, 01:06 PM

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