08-06-2003, 05:26 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Batz Kage
I know what a ROM is, & I know ISO is normally used to refer to PSOne games & the sort, but what do they stand for/mean, & what not?
ROM = Read Only Memory which is what Cartriges are..
ISO is just the standard Cd-rom filesystem.. So basically its juat a image of the cdrom and to be exact iso-9660 is standardization for it...
And on another note.. Some people have already broken the Gamecubes method of having the games.. And have modded the gamecube so that you can play it.. But they haven't released anything yet.. since nintendo did that huge bust about copy'ing games in Tawain or somewhere like that..
And back on subject.. After looking at the specs.. This system has to be pretty huge kinda like the Lynx. which is going to make it awkward IMHO.. I still think Gameboy wont' lose. .I mean back in the same it still beat out teh Sega Nomad, Atari Lynx which they all had color screens and where alot better then Gameboy but it still one with only its 4 shades of grey.