Cup of Noodles and Ramen !!!!!!!
Ok I used to think top raman was the bomb broke food
hands down better than Mac & Cheese (oh and if you
are eating Velveta, Sheels & Cheese you aren't broke)

But then I come to Okinawa and I have tasted there
version of broke man food... Like Top Ramen but ten
times better... it has real bits of meat and veggies in
it... but then there is the flip side... it cost about 10
times more than "TR" now with that being said understand
that TR is only 10 cents a pack here and Okinawa Ramen
is 100 yen a pack or a 1 dollar. Now if I was getting paid
like I was in the states it would be "TR" all the way,but
I'm not so it is down the hatch with "OR" all the way...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!

Messages In This Thread
Cup of Noodles and Ramen !!!!!!! - by Shinn Asuka - 08-04-2003, 09:57 PM
Cup of Noodles and Ramen !!!!!!! - by morgorath - 08-05-2003, 07:53 PM
Cup of Noodles and Ramen !!!!!!! - by kakomu - 08-05-2003, 08:09 PM
Cup of Noodles and Ramen !!!!!!! - by Tripp - 08-14-2003, 10:46 AM

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