name your least favorite anime and why?
Ok- this is different - how about the worst of the worst, something you though might of been good but it just plain sucks-- maybe your first buy that had a nice picture on the cover- or you took the wrong advice .You may of been new to the ANIME scene- or possibly ( like me ) found it for some unbeliveable price and said what the hell !

Judge- I think the animation is to primative and the story doesnt make any sense. Dont take this to personal if its one of your favorites, I wish i had the 8 bucks back I spent on it .Big Grin

Messages In This Thread
name your least favorite anime and why? - by puzzleguy - 08-02-2003, 08:06 PM
name your least favorite anime and why? - by Gant - 09-17-2003, 09:46 AM

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