We need something New to Talk About
Plus, first time I checked I was number 4 out of 4 on her list, now I think I MIGHT, & that's a very small might, be able to tie for second out of 3.
I removed myself from her list a long time ago, on account of I'm disfuctional, so even if I had a chance with her it was basicly be by catching her on rebound. And then it would probably be more of my job to get her on her feet & back out to the dating game, but if that would solve any of her probablems I'd do it.
As I've told her before if she needs someone, just to rest upon while recovering I'm here & voleenter because I have self control.

Which then again I've also said if you don't want me around anymore I'll leave from your life completely, which I'm all about keeping promises, but that one might be a difficult one.

Anyways she'll have her mind made up by tomarrow, so there's no need to worry I expect her b/f to call her up & beg her to stay with him & pull his normal crap.
I think a lot of peolpe wonder why I don't like the fact they go out, not I'm not jealous, I didn't care at first, then when she started complaining about him a good amount, so I said then break it off already! So she did. i got out of town on a field trip, & get back to find low & behold they were back together. I threw a fit. And she stopped complaining him so much. Since then I think they've broken up or she's tried to break up with him 3 times (I could be off), but each time from what I hear he gets the old memories going & she goes back to him, only to start the whole cyicle over. And each time they get close to breaking up, she starts to fall apart, & I cean't help so I feel like I'm useless, it turns into a giant mess...

But now that she has 1 & two halves other choices she might be able to change her mind. Which hell I hate his guts & have a certain times tried to keep them together...I think I'm dumb... I tried to keep her with the one guy that I hate, & I don't ever make a move (espeaicaly not when she's down. right after a break up a person isn't going to be thinking stright, & plus she's monophobic), yada yada, anyways by tomarrow it won't matter & we can all laugh about it. Or yall can I won't know the results till the next time I'm on-line.

Also, Lonely Monkey, if you need help, just tell all your problems to Vance, he's VERY understanding.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html

Messages In This Thread
We need something New to Talk About - by sanosuke - 06-13-2003, 02:35 PM
We need something New to Talk About - by Batz Kage - 06-19-2003, 09:15 PM

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