Ending of Berserk sucked. (semi-spoiler)
Ok I have read this whole thread and have disussed enough series with Schultz to know his point of view. Here is my view which is in th middle of Vance's and Schultz's views...

1. The story is about Guts and how he turned into the man he is in the first episode.
2. While the main charcter is Guts the story builds up this bond between Guts and the rest of the Band of Hawk, so that we as viewers have this love for them as Guts does. Just like KOR...
3. Here is were I disagree with Schultz since this story is about Guts and how he turns into the Dark Swordsman. I can accept (not like) them killing off the BOH. Because that creates a rage between us (viewers) and Griffin. That is what the directors are shooting for... The problem..
4. We never see how Guts takes that hate & Rage and escapes the Hell he is in (I don't care about the Manga I am looking at the Anime only) We know he escapes but how, and why...? another deus ex machina saves him...
5. If those little red balls are so powerful and when the situation is right they unleash the demons why do we have no real knowledge of them thru the whole Anime. Yes the anime establishes that they are there and they have some sort of power, but other than that...

Look here is my strongest point... in KOR there was another Love intrest for Hikauri. He was there for her thru the whole series, but near the end he sorta dissappeared. In the OVA's he was no wear to be found hell he is never mentioned again after a certain episode. That pissed me off. that threw him away after cementing him into the story. They could have made two happy couples and insted riped my heart open with how they ended the realtionship. Hell it took a movie to mend the hurt and even there put a rock between two friends as well as a distaste in are mouth for the directors.

Bezserk does the same thing. It was done on purpose to make us feel the same hate that Guts feels for Griffin. But they leave us with a bunch of how did he get out and is Caska alive questions...? And you can say all you want that oh the First episode... explains... it don't explain much. They should have made one more episode showing the Boney Horseman god saving Guts and Caska's lives (deus ex machina) and telling Guts the only way top save him and Caska was to hunt down the demons. That would have at least numbed the pain and made me hungry for more instead of pissed off...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!

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Ending of Berserk sucked. (semi-spoiler) - by morgorath - 06-09-2003, 09:28 PM

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