Scryed: MI vs. AS/MAC?
Is there a difference in these two sets? Would like to know if the subtitles on the MAC release (that you guys have in the store) are any better than the MI release is supposed to be...

They should be exactly the same, the AC/MAC line is for the most part direct rips of MI or AV stuff and I don't think there is an AV version of scryed
yup, hes right. buy which very is cheapest, which is probably the one from this site
If you've already waited this long to get scryed, just wait for the R1s/R1s rips...
how is the series in general?
[Image: EdSig.jpg]
Just think X-men. It's about these "special" people with their own individual powers, except they're called Alters in the anime. Don't want to say may mess things up, but I highly recommend it!
I was v. impressed with the manga, but I don't want to get the DVD if the subtitles will take away from the experience... I also don't want to wait a couple years for the R1s to come out and for the Perfect Collection.
No, the subs were pretty good. It looked like they were taken from fansubs. There was some grammar errors here and there and mispelled words, but you can understand everything that's going on.

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