Ending of Berserk sucked. (semi-spoiler)
That's the thing, I'm not complaining about whether it tied everything up nicely or not. It was just a horrible ending. You slowly start to care about all these characters, and then they are killed off in the most ridiculously forced way ever. It was effective, it just left me feeling depressed, empty, and I had wasted my time. When you establish characters that much, you expect some sort of resolution or emotional catharsis at the end that is satisfying. A character is like a puzzle you slowly piece together from start to end, and when the puzzle is complete, the picture revealed is much greater, fullfilling a greater meaning and a defining an overlying idea. Shinji and Spike were both such characters.

Berserks characters were the same, especially deeper ones like Caska and Judeau, but they shattered the picture before I could get a better look. Worse yet, I cared about that picture and they ripped it to pieces in a vile way. They didn't even give you the slightest hint as to Caska's fate, which I was as involved in as Gatts'.

I guess I just feel strung along. With the brilliance in which the paths were laid down, I thought there would be great things at the end, yet what I found had no point. The quest for the treasure was fun, but the pot of gold at the end determines the worth of the journey.
o-('-')-o HuG
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Ending of Berserk sucked. (semi-spoiler) - by Vance - 06-07-2003, 08:40 PM

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