Ending of Berserk sucked. (semi-spoiler)
I guess i look at it differently.. I don't think the ending sucked.. Yea it left you open and wondering allright but it didn't suck..
basically the Point of the whole anime was to Show you how guts became the man he is in the first episode of the series.. How he gets stronger how he grows and how he gets all the anger he has towards Griffith now. And that is exactly what the anime does and it does it perfect.. I mean going along in the storyline guts never really had a goal or anything until he met griffith and girffith beat him. And also griffith never took risks like he did to save guts for anyone else.. And after time Guts truely wanted to be Griffith friend but when he over heard the conversation with Charolette about no-one in his band could be his friend etc.. It drove guts to wish to be equal stand beside griffth. So he leaves but he didn't knwo that he meant so much to griffth.. and thus goes into what you hate the ending.. But like i said the story is just how to tell how he became the person he was in the first episode.. but there are other avenues fi you wish to find out more.. there are manga's up to like book 21 which the anime stops at book 16 or about there.. There is also a Dreamcast game that has guts searching for things after they get out.. Caska is in it also.. and it helps with the story etc..

But also supposdly there is a Season 2 of berserk in pre-production phase.. and hopefully it won't take too long to get it all done..

P.S. You know Rickert (i think is his name) the boy at the end where the whole camp is killed and it just shows him.. He didn't die.. Just FYI..

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Ending of Berserk sucked. (semi-spoiler) - by Schultz - 06-07-2003, 04:04 PM

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