Ending of Berserk sucked. (semi-spoiler)
i have yet to see it and probably wont because it just doesnt look like a series that ill like. but the point im here to make is that people expect too much from the endings of series. they always expect everything to be tied up, no loose ends to be seen and everybody to go home happy. the harsh reality with most anime is that this doesnt happen. some of the time there is too much manga and only one series of anime is planned so the ending is just left open completely with no conclusion (just like guyver). but usually endings just suck. people dont want everything to turn out perfectly, but it isnt acceptable to kill off every character and for the world to end. examples of bad endings are everywhere; all the drangonball series, evangelion, guyver, berserk and hellsing to name a few. however endings that leave a lasting impact on the viewer, for being great usually, are few and far between; bebop and evangelion (although far too depressing) are the only two i can think of and one of them is debatable. its very stupid that anyone would want to end a great anime series very shitly without any effort being put into a viewers point of view, and i agree that people shouldnt stand for it, but the fact of the matter is that it doesnt really matter that much. if its a great series with a shit last episodes or so, then its still a great series. theres no need to rate a series lower because of its bad ending, because the ending is just how the writer wanted it to end, and hes responsible for the greatness of the rest of the series also, so respect his decision. i probably feel this way due to my experience with bad endings, especially in video games, but lets face it when anything good ends its bad because its over, every possible ending except perfection isnt acceptable. guess this is just human nature

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Ending of Berserk sucked. (semi-spoiler) - by sanosuke - 06-07-2003, 01:02 PM

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