A great place to go for solid manga collections is ebay. They usually sell whole series burned to a CD + extras for $5.00-$10.00. And if you bundle them together they can be much cheaper (I'm bidding on all of Berserk for $7.00 and am picking up a complete Love Hina CD with it for $3.00 when the auction ends.) Only $2.00 shipping, so you don't get burned that way.
Pretty good if you don't want to search all over the place for the stuff and you just want it all in a nice complete format.
The only thing that would kick even more is if I could find a way to fit an extra CD in my gatefolds. Anime + Manga all in a nice little brick on the shelf.
I know you can save money searching for it, but I like to spend all my search time on PSX Isos and the like =)
Pretty good if you don't want to search all over the place for the stuff and you just want it all in a nice complete format.
The only thing that would kick even more is if I could find a way to fit an extra CD in my gatefolds. Anime + Manga all in a nice little brick on the shelf.
I know you can save money searching for it, but I like to spend all my search time on PSX Isos and the like =)
o-('-')-o HuG
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