Rei-chan's Trade List more updates 3/23/03..
#16 annoying cable modem was acting up on me all day...

To Kakomu: Who are the authors of your Chem. book and Pre Cal book? Do you happen to have more advanced Chem books?

To Bumperboy: I'm not offering the Project Ako Perfect Collection instead Im just offering the old Project Ako dvd. Also, my Kenshin dvds are both r1 but I may be trading them soon..

To Pchmura: Wouldn't happen to have a Biochem book lying around?

To Fairymon: Please check you PM box.

I'll be on pretty much til late night Wink

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Rei-chan's Trade List more updates 3/23/03.. - by Rei1781 - 06-06-2003, 02:50 PM

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