I need some advice..can anyone help me??
Quote:Originally posted by "Insane Crack Hoe"

Vance..thank you so much for the advice you've given me...it is really helpin me a lot..you seem like a really sweet person Smile by the way... i think what you're sayin about the whole stringin us both along is so true. I told him yesterday after he said the whole thing that so and so said i said..i told him that it wasn't true and that honestly i had thought about leavin him since he had a g/f and i wasn't sure he was worth the fight. He said that he believed that was how i would have acted. Then i told him that i had changed my mind and decided to stick around for a while. He was happy..he even said woohooo! That may have been the wrong thing to say in this case but i really think i like him alot.. the feelings i get when i see his number on my caller id are unexplainable. On further note..i always try to be the mature one bout most situations but it doesn't always work. how do you kno all this stuff about the situation??...are you a mind reader or something cuz most things you say are so true! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Glad I could help, that makes my day ^_^ The unexplainable feeling is completely explainable through those words, I know exactly what you are talking about. Always ask yourself what you are feeling and why you feel that way, it's good excersize, and will keep you from deceiving others and more importantly yourself.

I might have made being mature sound like a more positive attribute than it really is. Mature roughly means the characteristic of being able to set ones own feelings aside in order to view a situation objectively as an uninvolved party and find an expedient and rational solution. This ability has its uses, but can also be detrimental. Sometimes feeling your way through a situation, which may be labeled as immature, is just as important. Balance is key. How people become "mature" is early in life, right around your age, they let their hearts guide them, and they get hurt, a lot. Living by the heart is too intense for most, and over time they build up logical and concious defences to separate themselves from the emotional rawness of the world around them, giving up their wonder, innocence, and light-heartedness in the process. You lose a lot when you forget how to let your heart guide you. Keep both your logic and your heart -- your maturity and your immaturity -- in check and know when to use each. You'll be infinitely ahead of anyone I know.

Mind reader... not really. I just know people I guess... Maybe I shouldn't be talking, I'm only 20 and I'm really just trying to figure it all out like you and everyone else here. =)

As for Xanga, it's kind of an online diary of sorts, where people can go and read what you say and comment on it. It's a solid way to sort out your problems.

Here's my friend's site so you can see what a completed one looks like:

And here's mine, although I just got it a couple of nights ago and there's nothing on it... I'll post soon:

It's free, you can just go to www.xanga.com and set up a site. If you need any help just ask. ^_^ I'd encourage everyone to make one.
o-('-')-o HuG
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I need some advice..can anyone help me?? - by Vance - 05-27-2003, 02:10 PM

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