Man, it's been so long since I've seen any new R1 rips.
I love dubs, so Kakoi gets no support from me on this one. If they didn't do dubs, there'd be no reason for me to buy the R1's. I'd just go and buy the HK's. The reason I support the R1's is because they do put the extra effort to dub them.

Vance, my favorite VA's are Wendee Lee and Tiffany Grant. Although I'm liking Hillary Haag the more I hear her as well.

Kakoi, you can buy the Animeigo stuff for $15 a disc with the specials that rightstuf has going right now.

Messages In This Thread
Man, it's been so long since I've seen any new R1 rips. - by Vicious - 05-27-2003, 08:13 AM

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