Man, it's been so long since I've seen any new R1 rips.
Japanese R2 DVDs are exlensive but so are alot of things in Japan, the cost of living there is very high. If you can't watch a show on TV theres also an invention called a VCR. Also, in Japan you can go to your local video rental place and they will have a huge selection of anime unlike here

I do agree that people should buy R1 when they are competitively priced. I'm a patinet fellow so I don't mind waiting for those Perfect collection boxsets. Hopefully it will encourage the distributors to release more affordable boxsets. One thing I hate is when they released those volume 1+box and they don't release a complete boxset later on or release one that is priced the same as all the individual DVDs like Hellsing. They've even got the nerve to charge extra of a cheap piece of cardboard and they call it an extra

Messages In This Thread
Man, it's been so long since I've seen any new R1 rips. - by matthewmalay - 05-14-2003, 06:38 PM

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