03-14-2003, 12:06 AM
Quote:Vicious said " Shibo, you have to watch Castle of Cogliostro. That's the best Lupin movie I've seen so far. I think it was even directed by Miyazaki
Right on the Money it is the Lupin movie he Directed it is one of the few reasons Pioneer took a chance on bring it over to the states back in the 90's. Lupin is essential in the realm that it helps you see how anime has evoled over the past 4 decades, but how a great charcter and supporting cast can trand send time fashion and still have people on there toes waiting for the next one to come out. Also all of the Lupin movies (or most to my knowledge) Hav the same voice actor that dubbs Harrison Fords voice for movies.
My "essential" Anime to watch are to OVA's Heart to Heart which is a play on words. Ask and I will tell you. And DNA2 a great show that I hope makes it to R1 someday...
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!