You know, guys, I like to think that I've watched a lot of anime in my day, and have seen a lot of great shows.. Last night I was thinking about that, and I think that there are quite a few shows that anime fandom would consider essential, that I haven't seen.. I mean, there are some things that I consider essential, like KOR and Maison Ikkoku, that a lot of other people haven't seen, but it goes the other way as well.. For example.. I haven't seen:
Dragon Ball/DBZ
Sailor Moon
Mobile Suit Gundam
Urusei Yatsura
Anything by Laiji Matsumoto
Lupin III
Vampire Hunter D
The reason I was thinking about this is that I'm finally getting around to watching Gundam Wing and I know that lots of people worship that show.. It's the first gundam thing I've seen. I own trigun, so I'll eventually get around to that.. What about the rest of you? Are you similarly deprived?

While we're on the subject, the following is what considers their essential list. Of course stuff that hasn't been released or is just being released on Region 1 DVD's is not on the list.
Ah! My Goddess The Movie & Oh! My Goddess OVA Series
Battle Athletes Victory
Castle of Cagliostro
Cowboy Bebop
Crest of the Stars
Escaflowne TV Series
Fushigi Yugi
Ghost in the Shell
Grave of the Fireflies
Macross Plus
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Princess Mononoke
Record of Lodoss War
Rurouni Kenshin OVA Series
Sakura Diaries: Collectors Edition
Serial Experiments Lain
Tenchi Muyo
Urusei Yatsura
I've seen everything on that list except Battle Athletes Victory and Urusei Yatsura. I've seen Battle Athletes and Urusei Yatsure Beaiful Dreamer the movie, but not those specific ones on the list. Out of everything Shibo listed, I've seen at least an episode or two of everything except Sailor Moon (uncut, not the cartoon network version). Haven't seen X either, but if it's considered essential, I guess I'll have to check it out.
Man, being a newbie like myself I'm still missing some big ones:
Fushigi Yugi
Crest of Stars
Rurouni Kenshin (OVA or series)
His and Her Circumstances
Urusei Yatsura (I have no idea what this is)
and the list goes on and on... (sigh) I pretty much watch what comes out R1 ripped from Hong Kong, which is a pretty sparse list.
Hmm. I haven't seen X either.. Well, seen the movie, own tv but haven't gotten around to watching it.. I haven't seen crest of the stars, although I do own part 2.. haven't seen Castle of Cagliostro, Battle Athletes Victory, or Macross Plus from that list either.. Now on my original list I had DBZ and Mobile Suit Gundam.. I have seen a few eps of those, but just random ones on cartoon network.. I don't count that as seeing the series, hehe. AoD has a couple of "essential" hentai titles as well in Koihime and Urutsukidoji.. Koihime is one that I really want to see and will most likely buy at some point this year. It looks really good. I haven't seen Noir or GTO either.. GTO I'd like to get once a rip comes out. I dunno that I'd call RahXephon essential, but I haven't gotten around to buying that one either.. I did just get in some Utena stuff today. Thanks JJ! =)
I haven't seen Eva or Esclaflowne
There are alot of titles on that list Vicious posted that I've seen a few episodes of like Fushigi Yuugi, Kare Kano and GTO
yes, I am in a similar situation, I reeeally want to get berserk, I started to collect it R1 but then when I found out about HK I said "SCREW THIS!" well anyway I also have some stuff that I want to see but dont have time for right now.
I have gotten into the habbit of just doing school work on week days and then watching like 3 or 4 hours each night, (and then of course tons on the weekends as well) but it still seams like there is so much anime to watch and to little time.
well anyway, I just wanted to give my peice on the subject. :mrgreen:
Shibo, you have to watch Castle of Cogliostro. That's the best Lupin movie I've seen so far. I think it was even directed by Miyazaki. As for GTO, I'm sure you've already heard how fantastic it is.
Vance, Urusei Yatsura was one of Rumiko Takahashi's (Ranma, InuYasha, Maison Ikkoku) earliest works. I've heard it has 195 episodes. I'm waiting to see if Animeigo puts out a dubbed version. I heard they're going to dub some of it and if it does well, them might decide to dub the entire thing.
I rented the rest of Crest of the Stars today. Hopefully the rest of it is as interesting as the 1st disc was. I got off work early today, so I should be able to finish the last 9 episodes tonight.
There are only a few things on your lists that I have yet to see. I will be buying them soon.
Maison Ikkoku (read alot of the manga)
Fushigi Yuugi (read the manga and have only seen the first 5 episodes)
Battle Athletes is garbage! I don't know how that could make it onto any must see list? :?
I haven't seen Battle Athletes Victory but at the time it was released there were no sports anime available in the US.. So lots of people who were around back in the day were really taken with it.. At the time there really wasn't anything close to Battle Athletes available to the english speaking audience. Hence, it has many cult fans and those who weren't around back then will prolly never understand it.
Yup, exactly what Shibo said. That's the reason why Battle Athletes is on there.
Quote:Originally posted by "kakoi_sugoi_yama"
There are only a few things on your lists that I have yet to see. I will be buying them soon.
Maison Ikkoku (read alot of the manga)
Fushigi Yuugi (read the manga and have only seen the first 5 episodes)
yeah, same here, but I am getting fushigi yuugi for my b-day and I am saving up for maison Ikkoku :mrgreen:
Well I don't think that Battle Athletes really counts as an anime essential (that I haven't seen). I have seen it. I don't think that it is essential, but you are right at the time there weren't any sports themed shows in the US. It was a decent show but not essential. I do agree that Castle of Cagliostro is something that eveyone needs to see immediately! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Quote:Vicious said " Shibo, you have to watch Castle of Cogliostro. That's the best Lupin movie I've seen so far. I think it was even directed by Miyazaki
Right on the Money it is the Lupin movie he Directed it is one of the few reasons Pioneer took a chance on bring it over to the states back in the 90's. Lupin is essential in the realm that it helps you see how anime has evoled over the past 4 decades, but how a great charcter and supporting cast can trand send time fashion and still have people on there toes waiting for the next one to come out. Also all of the Lupin movies (or most to my knowledge) Hav the same voice actor that dubbs Harrison Fords voice for movies.
My "essential" Anime to watch are to OVA's Heart to Heart which is a play on words. Ask and I will tell you. And DNA2 a great show that I hope makes it to R1 someday...