04-26-2003, 05:15 PM
Sorry Ricky, Im not Al, and it insults me to think that I have been put in the same group as his IQ class.....ouch But anyway, I would be upset if my friends told me they wont miss me too, actually they have said that but thats another story. She is just a friend of urs, u need to realize that. U cannot control her. U cannot shield her from anything that God doesnt have intended for her. Shes gotta step out and be hurt a few times to really appreciate things in life. But i know Heath will not hurt her. U gotta realize how much he cares for her. If anyone hurts anyone it will be her hurting him....again And if u were a true friend u would be worried about Heath, not talking about him behind his back
Kisha I know hes done it before. They are just girls. Guys shouldnt let girls come in between their friendships, as with girls with guys. It makes no sense. If Ricky was a real friend then he would let them be together and get over it. If she does get hurt (which is very very highly unlikely) then she would need Ricky there for her. But at this point all he is doing is pushing her away. Ricky needs to learn to wait. If he cared so much he would let her be happy and be there for her when she needs it.
Kisha I know hes done it before. They are just girls. Guys shouldnt let girls come in between their friendships, as with girls with guys. It makes no sense. If Ricky was a real friend then he would let them be together and get over it. If she does get hurt (which is very very highly unlikely) then she would need Ricky there for her. But at this point all he is doing is pushing her away. Ricky needs to learn to wait. If he cared so much he would let her be happy and be there for her when she needs it.
Eternally Bound Into This World Of Hatred...