HK DVD companies, how to contact them?
Anyways, you guys just wait and see, If everything goes well, all DB Z GT on HK dvds will come out in 3-4 months, and, I convinced them to use fansub scripts, and funimation scripts, so that there wont be much chinglish ;-) neither engrish!
Yahoo, and i have said that I WANT PREVIEWs for all episodes to be inluded for each episode, that is one of my conditions for handing tapes over to them, offcourse, i get a free set of all of the happyness when its done, anyways, they are positive, and my biggest challange is to get all those 120 svhs tapes sent to Hong kong without being dammaged, wish me good luck!

Messages In This Thread
HK DVD companies, how to contact them? - by Vinny - 02-28-2003, 10:16 PM
HK DVD companies, how to contact them? - by Vinny - 03-01-2003, 06:21 AM
HK DVD companies, how to contact them? - by sangofe - 03-01-2003, 09:50 AM

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