What is your regualar physical activity?
Since I am not in school as of now (graduated in '99) I find time everyday to do something of excersize. I jump on the trampoline, Do 100 punches with at LEAST ten lbs, starting to do this with twenty lbs. Just started that last week. Am in search of a decent weight bench to get the ol' chest up to snuff. I also do many different exercises with my dumbells, like build my shoulders and stomach. I can't seem to lose the gut. I am not fat but could stand to lose 3-5lbs from my stomach. I HATE sitting around. I only get on the Net at late night or soon after I wake from bed. I enjoy playing games and watching anime but rarely watch tv in general. My fave shows of all time are not even anime. I love the History Channel, so I watch Conquest and Mail Call all the time. I really Like the Daily Show on Comedy Central too. I am an artist at heart, so I am always perfecting my technique. I always think of what to add to my comic, and never actually get it going. I need work with the story before I go head long into it. Am in search of a publisher to do a childrens book on the side as well, involving these two Knights I draw a lot. I also enjoy working on models. I have 2 Stikfas Soldiers, I made Solid Snake and a Clown from Akira, and am working on 2 of the Stikfas Knights and Horses. That's about all I do anymore other than work at a crummy gas station.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"

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What is your regualar physical activity? - by DARK OSAMU - 02-11-2003, 11:18 PM

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