A word of praise for Import Anime...
After spending the last 10 years outside the anime circle, I spent this last Christmas re-discovering the joys of anime!!! Things have changed so much over the years. Well I stumbled on this site and over New Year's bugged the hell out of Import Anime with tons of questions. They were very very helpful and pleasent. Always returned my email promply. Well, I placed my first order with them yesterday and was thrilled when it arrived today (btw, I'm in Canada)!!! I cannot recommend them enough for their service and products!!! I will definitely be placing more orders in the future as I have alot to catch up on Big Grin

Thanks again for everything!!!

Messages In This Thread
A word of praise for Import Anime... - by goflutie - 01-08-2003, 04:56 PM
A word of praise for Import Anime... - by NYxCalm - 01-08-2003, 05:56 PM

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