When you call yourself an Otaku, what do you mean by it?
First off Batz I have missed you.
Second since we are sharing let me share this with you. When I was assigned to Kadena AB, Japan. I was already a fan of Anime. My library although small had some complete gems hidden it. (Ask Schultz I had the KOR set complete with OVA and Movie he still has my OVA tape) Anyways at that time I didn't know the true difference between Ohio and Kombuwa.
After I started work at the Fire Dept the locals learned of my "Love" for anime. Schultz help by showing me series I had only heard of. But the local (Japanese) fire fighters and I formed some solid friendships. It was then Mr Hayashi said, "Otaku get over here" I looked around and said who are you talking to and Mr Shimajiri said, "You Otakie" It is now my Nickname in the Fire Dept. I later learned that only those truly accepted by the locals receive nicknames. Only after I talked to Mr Ishikawa did I learn the meaning of the word. At first I took offense, but I felt better knowing I had a nickname. Schultz filled me in on it's meaning to other Anime fans.
Now I don't know if someone who watches Toonami should call them self an "Otaku" but I feel Toonami is like a Drug Dealer. They introduce this idea that cartoons can tell a story from point A to point B and that it's not a never ending repetitive show like the American Cartoons. That just maybe they will get online and find out about shows like Ranma 1/2, Slayers, or Kenshin.
A Otaku must be open to new anime. And be willing to share what they have to others and introducing new people to the art and stories we all love.

I am so sorry it was so long so please Batz, Steve or Kakoi rip this Soap box out from underneath me...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!

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When you call yourself an Otaku, what do you mean by it? - by morgorath - 01-03-2003, 11:37 AM

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