Will they ever release Rurouni Kenshin HK-DVD...???
I too generally dislike dubs, even if it was done proprely something is always lost in the transition. But if it's done well I'll give it a shot, only after I've watched the sub version first
Of course Kakoi, you understand japanese so it's perfectly logical you prefer the subs to dubs.

But there are alot of people who will not watch a subtitle show, I have many friends who are not interested in an anime if it aint dub so for anime to achieve mainstream success in North America it will have to be with dubs, but honestly I dont want to see anime get to mainstream, that would just kill it.

As for kenshin FX, I aint to interested, I already have part 1, and I'm only interested in getting kyoto's Arc, since FX version will be ep1-48 , then ep49-96, and its pretty expensive, 68$ for 6 dvds from a pretty big Hong Kong seller, i will have to get both sets just for kyotos arc. Might as well get part 2 MI or wait until MAC rips and hope the sell kyoto's arc by itself

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Will they ever release Rurouni Kenshin HK-DVD...??? - by matthewmalay - 12-09-2002, 09:47 PM

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