question on berserk
ok i have been told that there are more episodes of berserk going past eipsode 25. but yet i cant seem to find them anywhere. so my question is do they exist and if so where can i find them. cause i would like to know what happens to caska and grifith after grifith transforms. oh ya i was also told by a friend that there is a continuation of the series and stars guts. he told me it was called chaos now is this true and if so where can i find this
thanx for the time
I don't know where your friend got his information but as far as I know he's completely wrong. You'll only find out what happens after episode 25 if you read the manga and believe me, if you thought the anime was good you'll love the manga. It's better and far more detailed.
Along the years there have been rumours that a 2nd season was going to be made but they were just that, rumours. If they decide to make a 2nd season I'm certain it will be only after the manga has ended (31 volumes were published in Japan so far. Volume 31 was published 3 days ago), although I have to say that by now they have more than enough material to make a 2nd season (the anime tells the story of volumes 1-13 of the manga).

You can find information on this and other series here:
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
How is the Manga compared to the Anime? I recently got the Anime on a trade, and haven't watched it yet; and I was thinking about buying the Manga.
The manga is awesome. Like Andromeda18 mentioned it's more detailed then the Anime. For what little of the manga i have read i have enjoyed it. Basically i read how Guts gets out and the few volumes after the end of the Anime. I am just too lazy to sit down and read the books.

But yes as Andromeda18 said there is no continuation of Berserk in any Anime form. Everything that is said are Rumors only way you can find out is get the Manga.
can someone please explain to me the obsession with berserk. I own the series and hated it, and I love pretty much all anime. I've been trying to get rid of my copy for the better part of a year nd can't find anyone to take it off my hands. It seems like the series was just striving for blood and nudity. If I wanted that I would watch a great series like Elfin Lied:mad:
I thought the series did an excellent job of painting what type of person is driven to fight all the time and what it is like for them when they reflect on a lifetime of violence. There is a lot more depth to Gatsu than most people realize at first glance and that is the part that holds me to this series. He looks around him and sees devotion and ambition and a world of emotions but the only time he seems to feel anything is on the battlefield.
I also feel that the low level of fantasy (if you ignore the first and last two episodes there is almost no magic at all) contributes to the strength of this story. They even do a good job explaining how it is that he can handle that great big sword and go so far as to show part of his regular training routine.
I found this series much more involving than Elfin Lied. The reactions of the characters rang of truth for me and watching them relate to each other in horrible situations was the real joy of the series.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Don't think i could add really anything to what Zagatto said. Plus i just enjoyed all the fight and battle scenes. And i guess for me like Zagatto said how more so realistic it is. You watch and grow up with Guts through the whole story.
Don't think i could add really anything to what Zagatto said. Plus i just enjoyed all the fight and battle scenes. And i guess for me like Zagatto said how more so realistic it is. You watch and grow up with Guts through the whole story.
I share their thoughts on this but I also simply enjoyed the story. Without analysing anything, I liked the story. On the other hand Elfen Lied was a huge disappointment, which goes to show that this just boils down to a matter of taste. People like different things, you don't have to like what I like (or even understand why I like it) and vice-versa.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]

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