onizuka17711 Wrote:Why would someone pay to see fat men play with balls and sticks? The game is the only I can think of that requires that little skill or mental toughness to play.

Dude, with all due respect, STFU. If you don't like baseball, ok, but don't badmouth a sport you, "know nothing about". I spent over ten years of my life actively involved with it, and don't appreciate you calling all baseball players fat men with sticks.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Sports in general are boring;
wrestling is mostly fake & annoyingly so at times;
Football; a guy yells something & everyone trys to hit him; each play lasts about 30 seconds; so you sit there for 2 minutes waiting for the action which lasts half a minute?
Hockey, it seems cool, but I've never watched it before.
Racing is a bunch of chucks-o-metal winding around a track inwhich they have so many rules to prevent crashing, that no riskes can be taken (or of guidelines that rules).
Tennis is mostly, guy hits ball, other guy hits ball, the first guy hits ball, the ball hits net; it's boringly slow.
Baseball is almost amusing; guy hits ball with stick, then runs. (and Blight I don't mean to offend you, but I don't give a sh!t about the mental aspects, when watching entertainment I want ACTION!)
Soccar gets a few points from me; guy kicks ball, others try to take it, wonderful, ingenius, bad case of sarcasum, but still a good sport.
Rugbie looks cool, but I've never watched it.
Cricket looks like a poor man's baseball.
NOW, Golf on the other hand; I know what to expect, I don't watch golf hoping to be ooed & awwed, know the pace is going to be slow, so I like it Big Grin

What I really wanna see is football with sandtraps, multi-leveled fields & spring boards *evil grin*

Although with that said, I think the Yankees are cool Cool
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
I'm not offended, you think it is boring. Not every is going to like the sport. Hell, I don't like to WATCH it that much, but you didn't say that it was a shit game where a bunch of no talent fat-asses are the only people involved with the sport.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Blight Wrote:Dude, with all due respect, STFU. If you don't like baseball, ok, but don't badmouth a sport you, "know nothing about". I spent over ten years of my life actively involved with it, and don't appreciate you calling all baseball players fat men with sticks.
I know enough about it to tell you that it is the least challenging sport. I also know that their is no strategy involved, mainly just common sense. I'm not saying all baseball players are fat losers, but you can be just as good if you are. All you need is some good hand-eye coordination and some steriods. I just can't respect or like that. If you don't want me to badmouth it, prove to me that it is in some way better than, say, hockey. That there is more skill. That it has more action. That there is more of a mental aspect to it. Just to let you know however, I do respect that you love the game. I'm just chipping in piece on this. I'm not just trying to prove a point, either. I actually want to know if anyone can think of a reason why I should like baseball.
[Image: 4c1.jpg]
^^Made by Blight

"If teachers were paid more, we'd be able to afford better drugs." -Eikichi Onizuka
Baseball is extremely boring to watch in the majors. I do like to watch out local team a bit. Baseball is fun to play.
onizuka17711 Wrote:I know enough about it to tell you that it is the least challenging sport. I also know that their is no strategy involved, mainly just common sense. I'm not saying all baseball players are fat losers, but you can be just as good if you are. All you need is some good hand-eye coordination and some steriods. I just can't respect or like that. If you don't want me to badmouth it, prove to me that it is in some way better than, say, hockey. That there is more skill. That it has more action. That there is more of a mental aspect to it. Just to let you know however, I do respect that you love the game. I'm just chipping in piece on this. I'm not just trying to prove a point, either. I actually want to know if anyone can think of a reason why I should like baseball.

You don?t get baseball, cause you don?t know ANYTHING about it. If you did, you wouldn?t have said that there is no mental aspect to it, or that there is no strategy. What about stealing, lots of physicality and technique goes into it. Knowing when to go. On a hit and run, or a flat steal. Laying down bunts. Flying out to score a runner at third. Using different pitchers to combat batters with different strengths. Using DH?s. Things you don?t consider cause you have had little exposure to the sport. I?m not saying that it is the game god gave us to play or anything like that, it has its faults. I would personally like to see out-sourced drug tests of every MLB athlete, so we could get the cheating steroid using fucks out of the league. And the majors are a lot slower than when you actually play. Those bastards get a elongated matter of time to what ever they want when calling time and switching from fielding to batting. But you don?t understand the premeditation of it either. Who cuts the ball when throwing from left to home? When the ball is hit to second who covers second to turn a double play? Do you even know what the hell I?m talking about? Probably not cause you don?t understand the game. Which is fine, but don?t let that lack of knowledge form false assumptions about the sport.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
I played baseball for 15 years. I got up to something like a B class league, then I broke my wrist and never played again. Baseball is game that has MOMENTS of skill. You don't need a lot of skill a lot of the time. A pitcher needs skill to pitch well. A base runner needs decent speed and anticipation. A batter needs hand eye coordination. But you can't seriously think that baseball player "athletes" are half the althete of hockey player.

Two Words.

David Wells.

If a fat slob like him can play major leauge baseball at a high level, what does that say for the quality of the atheletes in the leauge. Not a whole lot.

Baseball was fun when I played it, is horrible to watch, and has the least skilled (overall) players of any major sport.
Blight Wrote:You don?t get baseball, cause you don?t know ANYTHING about it. If you did, you wouldn?t have said that there is no mental aspect to it, or that there is no strategy. What about stealing, lots of physicality and technique goes into it. Knowing when to go. On a hit and run, or a flat steal. Laying down bunts. Flying out to score a runner at third. Using different pitchers to combat batters with different strengths. Using DH?s. Things you don?t consider cause you have had little exposure to the sport. I?m not saying that it is the game god gave us to play or anything like that, it has its faults. I would personally like to see out-sourced drug tests of every MLB athlete, so we could get the cheating steroid using fucks out of the league. And the majors are a lot slower than when you actually play. Those bastards get a elongated matter of time to what ever they want when calling time and switching from fielding to batting. But you don?t understand the premeditation of it either. Who cuts the ball when throwing from left to home? When the ball is hit to second who covers second to turn a double play? Do you even know what the hell I?m talking about? Probably not cause you don?t understand the game. Which is fine, but don?t let that lack of knowledge form false assumptions about the sport.
I've had buds drag me to enough games to understand most of what you're talking about. However, it's still primarily comon sense that is used, not skill. It is the only sport that comes to mind besides golf where you have that much time to decide what to do. Now take hockey. I play starting goalie for my school team. I get roughly a few tenths of a second to react to people shooting slabs of rubber 90+ mph at me. Say you bat a bad game. So what? If I play like shit, not only do we lose, but many idiots blame a loss on the goalie. Compared to the physical and mental neccessities of hockey, baseball players can hardly even be considered athletes, nor baseball a sport. Yet it passes off, barely...
[Image: 4c1.jpg]
^^Made by Blight

"If teachers were paid more, we'd be able to afford better drugs." -Eikichi Onizuka
Baseball takes about as much skill as most any sport. I actually thought football took a LOT less skill when I played than it takes to play baseball. You just need to be in better shape to play football. Being in shape and able to run and hit things does not equal skill. Besides, you don't wanna be in too good of shape to play baseball. Get those huge linemen and tell them to play baseball and you'd have a carnival. :p When I got in REALLY good shape for a while I actually ran slower because my muscles in my legs were too big.

If anyone commenting here does not play baseball (onizuka for one) shut up, because you really have no idea what you're talking about unless you've played organized baseball.
White flag. If someone who played longer and was way better than me aggress with you onizuka, then I guess I just don?t stand a chance in this debate.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
onizuka17711 Wrote:Compared to the physical and mental neccessities of hockey, baseball players can hardly even be considered athletes, nor baseball a sport. Yet it passes off, barely...

You've got your head so far up hockey?s ass you can't see straight. I'm not too conceited to say the stamina need for hokey is up there in the top 2 or 3 sports, but you saying baseball shouldn't be a sport is just fucking ignorant. Go field a damn ball, look like ass when the "goalie" lets one slip out of the infield and shut up.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
By the way, golf takes talent too. If you were to go out and try to golf I have a feeling i'd be laughing my ass off if I was watching you onizuka.

I don't know why I try to argue with him. He says baseball take common sense but he has absolutely none himself. Kinda funny..
Cidien Wrote:By the way, golf takes talent too. If you were to go out and try to golf I have a feeling i'd be laughing my ass off if I was watching you onizuka.

I tried to golf once, and then never again. That is a game you have to practice all your life to be good at, or just be born with it. I don't remember what I shot, but it was like 100+ over. Big Grin Just plain awful I was at it, but for some reason I did have fun. Must of been cause my buddies who knew how to golf weren?t dicks about me sucking so bad.

And for the record, I like onizuka, I just don?t know why he is being this way. :confused:
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
This is why I said you hjacked the thread, why don't you all just realize we have our own opinion and stop whining!!!
geo85 Wrote:GODDAMNIT!!!
This is why I said you hjacked the thread, why don't you all just realize we have our own opinion and stop whining!!!
don't worry, as soon as Zag gets here, it'll all be gone, or well there's a 75% chance it will, either that or he'll move it to the flame forum, split it up I mean..
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html

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