Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Andromeda18_ Wrote:Which version of the game did you play? The Playstation version or the PC version? I first played the game on the PC and everything was indeed rather dark. However, when I played the playstation version I was really surprised with how different it was, everything was bright and clear and the graphs were much better.:p

I played it on PS, but it was still dark even after I got a new 27" TV. Most of the visual problems had to do with interacting with the background when everything was rendered. I got stuck on one damn screen for like an hour because I couldn?t tell where a switch was. I looked at a walkthrough and it was right where I thought it was. It just took me forever to line up and hit it just right. It was full of bad collision detection and points of view, but that I can forgive the game for because of it genre. I just hated the story, the materia system, and most importantly I didn?t own a PS until the PS2 was nearly out. I ended up playing FF VIII first so I have no great memories of VII as the first great 3D RPG.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
i want to see it too ~
i hope they dubb it !

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Cidien Wrote:As for 8... use a guide and get ALL the GF's. Also, MAKE SURE AND LEVEL UP RINOA!! If you leave her at level 17 like I did the first play through you will need to start a new game and play through the entire game just so you can beat a stupid fight AT THE END OF THE GAME! I could't believe they did that... what an awful fight with the sorcerous.

By the way, I love FF7.

Im decent on levels and I was on like ugh disc 3 I believe forgot my level...
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

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Blight Wrote:Also, Cloud is one of the worst main characters of any game. He made up as story about his past and denied the truth so much he actually started to believe his own lie. He was a head case.

Don't you get it? thats what made Cloud such an interesting character, and made FF7 such a deep and interesting game. Far better than the suckyness that was FF8 "Uh we all grew up at the same orphanage but then fiddle-di-de we just plain forgot, duh!!, but what a coincidink that we all ended up as friends being the only peple who can save the world!!"

I mean what kind of half-assed shit was that?. I quite liked FF9, thought it was very good. But FF7 was definatly the best in the series.

I think the thing with most of the FF7 haters is one of three reasons

1: Most of them played it alot later than when it was 1st released and theirfore judge the game mostly on its graphics

2: Because it is popular, some people automatically jump on the hating wagon because they (on some level) believe that it elevates them to the elite few who are "smart" enough to know the "truth" and not be swallowed by the masses. And the sole reason is its popularity, evidence of this mentality can be seen with the haters of the later Matrix movies.

3: Some people just did not "get" the story, for some reason, maybe they just did not give it a chance, maybe it seemed too complex to follow properly, maybe they just did not like the story because it just did not "click" with them.

In general I think these are the 3 reasons for most of the haters. Because its simply fantastic on so many levels. Looking forward to Advent Children alot, because Cloud kicks so much ass.
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
Ryujin Wrote:I think the thing with most of the FF7 haters is one of three reasons

1: Most of them played it alot later than when it was 1st released and theirfore judge the game mostly on its graphics

2: Because it is popular, some people automatically jump on the hating wagon because they (on some level) believe that it elevates them to the elite few who are "smart" enough to know the "truth" and not be swallowed by the masses. And the sole reason is its popularity, evidence of this mentality can be seen with the haters of the later Matrix movies.

3: Some people just did not "get" the story, for some reason, maybe they just did not give it a chance, maybe it seemed too complex to follow properly, maybe they just did not like the story because it just did not "click" with them.

In general I think these are the 3 reasons for most of the haters. Because its simply fantastic on so many levels. Looking forward to Advent Children alot, because Cloud kicks so much ass.

To be honest FF7 was the reason I bought my PSX, I have been playing RPGs since the days of Dragon Warrior, Phantasy Star, and Final Fantasy. However after playin the game, I had decided FF7 killed RPGs for me, it was more of an interactive movie then an RPG. There was no heart in the game, I've said it before and I will say it again. Locke from FF VI, has more character development then all the characters from 7, 8, 9, and X put together. My reasons, wasn't because it was popular or I didn't like the graphics( actually I enjoyed most of the CG scenes), and I got the story, it just sucked!!! Now it might have been that I grew out of the genre and that could have been my problem. The characters were bland and boring, the character designs were simple nothing special at all, and the music was horrible except for Aerith's theme and the bad ass Sephiroth music. I haven't played many Rpgs since then, because it is the same formula over and over again. Like I said earlier I appreciate art in all kinds of forms, so I am exciting about seeing the visuals in FF AC. Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
I?ll give you reason one Ryujin, I already said I played it after FF VIII. Reason two isn?t me at all. As for reason three I got the story, I just found it to be empty in a ?lets hate Sephiroth cause he killed Aerith? sort of way. I was uninterested the whole time. My counter for your second reason of the haters FF VII is that 90% of the people that like FF VII?s reason for liking it is nostalgia. Lots of people remember it as a revolution rather than a game. I think it leaches fans off it?s legend status.

As for...
Ryujin Wrote:Far better than the suckyness that was FF8 "Uh we all grew up at the same orphanage but then fiddle-di-de we just plain forgot, duh!!, but what a coincidink that we all ended up as friends being the only peple who can save the world!!"

You can?t tell me that you have realized most stories are very formulaic by now; I mean if there wasn?t for some inexplicable group of friends that come out of nowhere and magically save the world then we wouldn?t have the genre.

In the end, I?m just on the other side of the river. I?ll never understand why it was so great because I played others before it; the same as fanboys can?t see it?s flaws because it is the obelisk for witch the current status of the genre stands. It?s not an abomination, it?s just not my brand of liquor.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
okay, how about ff6? man, that game is almost as good as ffvii. if that were 32bit i'd say it would be better. Try it out people

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