Emo and how it touches the soul
She tries to sound so original, and "artsy" as you put it. Yet she stoops to the 4 billion year old tactic of "Oh, and guess what!? I'm seeing someone else!!!" Yes, amoeba were saying that to each other a billion years ago.
Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?
Well,Just remember there is always a next time.Try to fine someone with a personalty that matches yours better.And a more calmer girl.I would not waist my time with someone that blows up a such a tiny thing.Thats just silly.I am sure everything will work out.but,try to think of what you want the most.How you think about her and if you want to work things out.Cause everyone thinks of things in a different way.Wow! after this post your going to think I am crazy or something O-well.Good luck with all your problems, Kak. Wink
[Image: Here.png]
Illiusions are everywhere.............. :eek:

Mr.Morning has a grudge going.Mr.Day always seems to fly away.Mr.Night kisses goodnight.but Mr.Dream always makes you scream..but though that is the way of your day.Mr.Days is always guideing your ways.
Always guideing your Days always guideing your ways.I'll be with you my Mr.Day.
rav96 Wrote:OMG there i go agian...


I think you were judged up against is unending flow of emoness. Rav=most emo guy I know that would kick the as$es of any emo boi..
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
put up your dukes sonny :p
im an undercover EMO coz otherwise i'd :'(

hahahaha Tongue
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

She really liked you when she first met you and got disappointed somewhere in the line.. or maybe she thought you weren't paying enough attention to her during that party? I think you did hurt her somewhat because why would she write something that long if she didn't care? I don't think you should reply back to her.. she sounds like the type who's really picky and would drag your conversation for however long it takes until she gets the last word. Ignoring her would be my suggestion.

I don't know what she means when she said "people like you" There are some people who, when they argue with someone or point out their own views, end up sounding like they're belittling the other person.. maybe even arrogant. (is be-littling the right word? be-little? Not sure but you know what I mean) I think you do that with some of your posts.. Keep in mind, I don't know you.. and that is just my take on it.

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