All gone...
goods luck on trying to get ur stuff back or insurence covering it. i was robbed b4 but stupid me didnt get insurance. o wells, you learn from ur mistakes. seriously, hope you get something back out of this, either getting your things back, insurance, or finding out who did it and kicking thier a$$. :eek: Wink
Gemini Wrote:goods luck on trying to get ur stuff back or insurence covering it. i was robbed b4 but stupid me didnt get insurance. o wells, you learn from ur mistakes. seriously, hope you get something back out of this, either getting your things back, insurance, or finding out who did it and kicking thier a$$. :eek: Wink

Nah I think getting it back or insurance and kicking their a$$es would probally be better

goflutie Wrote:well my whole claim will be pushing 8 grand with about 500 bucks going to ps2 stuff...majority was anime...only had about 80 or so hollywood titles.

DAMN! I thought my collection was worth a lot thats a lot... Damn again though..
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

Trade List
R1 Collection
HK Collection
ya...I had about $5500 worth of anime. Didn't clain any hk's just R1s but even most the hollywood stuff were box sets like Bond, Planet Of The Apes, Matrix, LOTR, Star Trek...stuff like that.
Hope I am not getting you to be to suspicious of people you know but I got robbed few years back. When the person was caught found out it was a guy who had come over to my house a few times with one of my friends. This guy already knew what he wanted before he broke in. I would take stock of any neighbors or supposed friends that are now pasively avoiding you like you did something. But overal good luck in rebuilding you collection
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
well you can always say they got your laptop and some other high priced stuff they might be more easy going if its somehting they understand. id just do it if they give you shit. cause hell your rates are going to go up any way so you might as well fuck them over like they have you.

just a thought.
sorry to hear they got your stuff i had that problem at our first house they got everything tv, vcr, reg nintendo, games and tapes and jewerly(this was like when i was 9) but i know what it is to loose important stuff.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


That truly sucks. T_T I can imagine the feeling of wanting to whup the asses of the ppl who did it!

We got burgalled earlier this year and the shame of it was there was 3 people in our house at the time. I had just gone to bed and my room is on the ground floor so they woulda had to go past my room to get upstairs. My bro was in bed in his room at the top of the stairs so they had to pass his as well. My mum was out in the garden so left the conservatory door open.

All they took was my mums handbag which had loads of cash in it as she just went to the cash machine as she needed to pay someone some money back. Bi*tches musta known. We didn't even realise till much later that something was missing.

I just can't believe it happened in our neighbourhood. Now i am too scared to open the windows too wide in the kitchen while cooking as i always forget to close them.

Bottom line is you can't rely on the police. They just came round for a chat. You are lucky you have insurance but all the form filling etc is a headache itself. V_V

Makes me think of the line from Panic Room: "What are you gonna do? Call the cops and wait till Tuesday?" Need to get ourselves a couple of stun guns! Grrr
Yeah, thats pretty bad, sorry to hear that. The police in every country seem to be the same lazy assed bitches. Luckily for me 8 people live in my house in total, I have 3 brothers, 2 sisters and my parents, so there is always someone in the house all the time. I pity the fool who tries to break into my house when we are all in, his ass would get a serious stomping.

I hope your insurance will cover it.
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
ack!!! goflutie... I'm guessing that you're a Ticats fan from your name (just a guess). I live in Hamilton (home of the Ticats for those who don't know) and I've had my house broken into twice now. Since I beefed up my home security, I haven't had any problems with burglaries but it still sucks. More than the stuff I lost was the feeling of violation in my own home.

If you're in Hamilton and need an anime fix, just drop me a line and I'll hook you up for the time being. It's really harsh that people have so little respect for others possesions that they feel they can just take it from you.

One last thing, don't get all wrapped up in your head trying to pick out who it could have been visiting you that got the idea to take your collection. I nearly wrecked a friendship I had with another anime fan because I wrongly suspected him of being the culprit. The best guess is that it was some neighbourhood high school students out of class for the afternoon (both of my break ins happened mid day while my wife and I were both working).

Good luck with your insurance company. The only questions my insurance agent asked were if I was sure that I was quoting a high enough dollar value to him... he cut a cheque for over $7,000 on the spot. I'm really happy with my insurance company. Don't be afraid to change if yours dicks you around too much.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Mantis421 Wrote:Hope I am not getting you to be to suspicious of people you know but I got robbed few years back. When the person was caught found out it was a guy who had come over to my house a few times with one of my friends. This guy already knew what he wanted before he broke in. I would take stock of any neighbors or supposed friends that are now pasively avoiding you like you did something. But overal good luck in rebuilding you collection

A few years ago right after I left for college, my parents house was broken into twice. It turns out that the ass that did it was one of my best friends. He mostly took my stuff: rifles, pistols, coin collection, TV, vcrs, etc. I was lucky. Our insurance company paid quickly even after I got most of my items back, except for the coins. The best thing is that a year later I was finally able to catch up with the ass. Lucky him, he got to stay in the hospital for a couple weeks. Big Grin

goflutie, I hope you find out who did this. Good Luck with the insurance company.
I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy evey damn minute of it !!!
one of my friends had his house robbed and he didn't know who did it, but the police told him why not check out the pawn shop. he had some valuable things and i guess the police might have thought whoever robbed his house pawned it. well he called all the pawn shop in the city and around the outside of the city. sure enough he found his things at a pawn shop outside of the city and also got a name and addy. hahaha, it was one of his parents friend. when the police went to the guys house, the guys girlfriend said he went out of town for a bit. eventually the guy came back and got busted. what a moron.
You also might want to try the online sites, such as or
I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy evey damn minute of it !!!
Man, that is horrible goflutie, I thought I was going to loose half of my anime in my divorce settlement. This is way worse then that!!!! Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
It sad punks still anime as anime isn't worth much outside of the anime circle. Just get a security system for your house as thieves hate to put up with alarms. (Crooks are by nature lazy so an alarm is nothing but hassel there by leading them to an easier target.)

Haggle for every cent as insurance companies are cheap arses. People who steal crap get that done to them 10x as the unwritten law states.
Im kinda late on this subject, but man that really does suck, im sorry to hear about this. We have never had our house broken in to, but we did have our car borken into when we were in Canada a while back. All they stole was my moms make-up bag, which I guess they thought was a purse. But the funny thing was that we had a digital camra, camcorder, and my moms real purse in a conpartment under the front seat, and they didnt find that stuff. The cops said it was probally some drugies looking for drug money, but all they got was some make-up! Stupid bastards!!!
well, I just got my alarm system put in with an extra loud siren...that I just set off by accident Smile oopps!!! Phone call was seconds behind asking what I did...thought that was pretty good. Not bad for 25 bucks a month. Thanks again for all the replies...does make me feel good. Hopefully insurance will be ok...I guess I'll find out next week. I'll let you all know. Oh and Zagatto...not a TiCats fan as much as a Flutie fan...hey I'm from Sk...go Riders!!! Na...given half a chance he could do extremely well in the US...look at when he was with Buffalo...Chargers can't keep up with him...he needs to go elsewhere.

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