well as of tomorrow, it will be one week since some freakin' kids broke into my place and stole every dvd I had!!! AND my PS2 even :mad: My whole anime collection gone. You know, for a smaller city (225,000) it took the cops 4 hours to come and all they could say is I hope you have insurance. Two hours after I called 911 to report the break in, I called back...know what they said?? Well we are just in the middle of a shift change so it might be a bit yet...well f*** you. I couldn't believe this and yet they have no problem setting up speed traps or doing their best not to be seen. Where the frick are they...oh and btw, this happenned to 2:00 in the afternoon!! Like I pay taxes too you know...get your ass in gear!
And insurance...what a joke. The adjuster looked at my quote I had the local do me up and said "why are these so much, can't you buy them at Walmart?" What a freakin idiot!!! No they are anime...ever heard of Pokemon or Digimon?? Well this is a bit more grown up but still costs more than hollywood. Oh but she never did question the $350.00 I put out for my James Bond boxes...go figure. Word of advice, make sure you spell things out in simple terms when you buy insurance to make sure they understand...you can't just buy this stuff at Walmart.
So anyway, there's my rant...still have a few hk sets...found a few more that were thrown aside...I guess to make room for other things. Bright side, the big trade I did with r00ster two days before was still in the mail and not on my shelf or that would be gone too. Basically makes up the majority of all I own now...or at least the time being.
Thanks for listening!!!
She didn't question your $350 James Bond set? Man.....that's discrimination against anime!!
Is the insurance gonna cover all the stolen anime? Good luck boy!
That SUCKS!!! You have my complete and total sympathy. May those who took your shit all get herpes and a persistant butt rash!
That is shitty news. Hopefully they can find the bastards that did it.
It was probably someone you know.
Hey dude... y'know what? I still think that's the shittiest deal of all time. Like I mentioned to you before, getting my DVD collection ripped off is one of my worst nightmares. Pick something... anything.. from my Trade List that isn't already spoken for, and it's yours.
Just a little something extra to nudge your collection one more step in the right direction. Maybe it'll also help my karma enough that the same fate'll never befall me. :eek:
Good thing you had insurance... however, I'm surprised that this kind of stuff occurs up in Canada... wow. Whelps, a gradual compensation from the payout, but I'm glad you got monetary claims to help with a quick recovery. Hot diggle dang... :mad:
[Karma will find its way]
r00ster Wrote:Pick something... anything.. from my Trade List that isn't already spoken for, and it's yours.
Hmmmm . . . that's not such a bad idea. There's a few DVD's I've been meaning to get rid of as well. I'm not sure if you'll like them or not, but PM me your address and you can have them.
goflutie Wrote:well as of tomorrow, it will be one week since some freakin' kids broke into my place and stole every dvd I had!!! AND my PS2 even :mad: My whole anime collection gone. You know, for a smaller city (225,000) it took the cops 4 hours to come and all they could say is I hope you have insurance. Two hours after I called 911 to report the break in, I called back...know what they said?? Well we are just in the middle of a shift change so it might be a bit yet...well f*** you. I couldn't believe this and yet they have no problem setting up speed traps or doing their best not to be seen. Where the frick are they...oh and btw, this happenned to 2:00 in the afternoon!! Like I pay taxes too you know...get your ass in gear!
And insurance...what a joke. The adjuster looked at my quote I had the local do me up and said "why are these so much, can't you buy them at Walmart?" What a freakin idiot!!! No they are anime...ever heard of Pokemon or Digimon?? Well this is a bit more grown up but still costs more than hollywood. Oh but she never did question the $350.00 I put out for my James Bond boxes...go figure. Word of advice, make sure you spell things out in simple terms when you buy insurance to make sure they understand...you can't just buy this stuff at Walmart.
So anyway, there's my rant...still have a few hk sets...found a few more that were thrown aside...I guess to make room for other things. Bright side, the big trade I did with r00ster two days before was still in the mail and not on my shelf or that would be gone too. Basically makes up the majority of all I own now...or at least the time being.
Thanks for listening!!!
DAMN Man that really sucks..Sorry to hear that happened and I hope they catch whoever did it... :mad: :mad:
Also Rooster I can relate to that nightmare...
Thanks guys...I appreciate all your responses. But no need to send me anything. Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate it. I don't know if the theives knew what they were doing or not, but the little hk sets I had, didn't get stolen. A few did that were mixed in with my R1s but somehow they knew the difference. They knew what was worth more. My neighbor saw two kids carrying sports bags walking down my back alley in the middle of the afternoon...only thing he thought of was why they weren't in school. So like I said, it might be a battle with insurance over prices, but in the end they still have to replace what I had no matter what the cost...thats what I pay insurance for. Again, thanks for the offers guys but no need. Keep them for trade

Oh! Wow,you must of had some time with all that.Hope you are able to build your Anime back up.
goflutie Wrote:Thanks guys...I appreciate all your responses. But no need to send me anything. Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate it. I don't know if the theives knew what they were doing or not, but the little hk sets I had, didn't get stolen. A few did that were mixed in with my R1s but somehow they knew the difference. They knew what was worth more. My neighbor saw two kids carrying sports bags walking down my back alley in the middle of the afternoon...only thing he thought of was why they weren't in school. So like I said, it might be a battle with insurance over prices, but in the end they still have to replace what I had no matter what the cost...thats what I pay insurance for. Again, thanks for the offers guys but no need. Keep them for trade 
Had to offer.

Definitely keep us posted on your insurance crusade...
goflutie Wrote:Thanks guys...I appreciate all your responses. But no need to send me anything. Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate it. I don't know if the theives knew what they were doing or not, but the little hk sets I had, didn't get stolen. A few did that were mixed in with my R1s but somehow they knew the difference. They knew what was worth more. My neighbor saw two kids carrying sports bags walking down my back alley in the middle of the afternoon...only thing he thought of was why they weren't in school. So like I said, it might be a battle with insurance over prices, but in the end they still have to replace what I had no matter what the cost...thats what I pay insurance for. Again, thanks for the offers guys but no need. Keep them for trade 
WOW They were dumb enough to break into your house is broad day light but they know the difference. All I know is they can't be all that smart considering the conditiions they did it under. But that's good that they have to pay after all you are right that's what you pay for.. Good luck battling the insurance company
Thanks again...I just mentioned to r00ster, the scariest thing was when I went to figure out what my collection was worth I just about shit!!! The amount of money I spent...freakin' crazy

Oh well c'est la vie...might be tough finding the WHR Box and my Bebop Box again.
goflutie Wrote:Thanks again...I just mentioned to r00ster, the scariest thing was when I went to figure out what my collection was worth I just about shit!!! The amount of money I spent...freakin' crazy
Oh well c'est la vie...might be tough finding the WHR Box and my Bebop Box again.
LOL So how much was it worth???
well my whole claim will be pushing 8 grand with about 500 bucks going to ps2 stuff...majority was anime...only had about 80 or so hollywood titles.