MXC (Most eXtreme Elimination Challenge)
I was under the impression that the Dubbing was a complete joke, meaning that the original script was for a serious gameshow, and we made it into a comedy. I love it though.
Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?
that's a big no. I have wathed reruns with the Japanes locals in Okinawa. And sometimes what the host say on the show would get bleeped here in the US. SOme of the things they told me they said were hurtful to the people in the show. The games were on a serious side, but on a real note. Robojack I love what has been done with Iron Chef, but that couldn't be done with MXC. The orginal is like a 3 hour show, then the show is real old and it is not like we are bring it across to start the game show here. The only way to show it and it be worth while for the station was in this form.

It never mentions once anyones race or background. I think the found a great balance for humor and the orginal. It not like we alter the video.
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Thanks for your opinion, morgorath. I never really saw it that way. I guess I'll stop putting it down so much.
Takahashi's Castle really is kind of a mix of a game show and a variety show. MXC is done to make it look like a game show. Morgorath is right what they say to the people in the non dub version makes some of them on the show cry. good example when they have an overweight contestand who can't complete an event they poke fun at the persons weight right in front of the person. Sounds weird but MXC does tone it down alittle
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack
Now this show just ticks me off, particularly with the bullshit voiceovers. Why couldn't the North American producers dub it faithfully to the original script of the show, like those of Iron Chef attempt to do? I find myself enjoying the show much more if I just turn off the volume.

If I were Beat Takeshi, I'd march over and kick all the producers' asses for screwing the show up so much.

Because it's meant to be a comedy!!!! Get a sense of humor and you'd figure that out for yourself.

All I ever hear you do is bitch and complain about everyone else. You ever think that it might be you who's the problem?
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack

If I were Beat Takeshi, I'd march over and kick all the producers' asses for screwing the show up so much.

Or maybe he could strand them all in an island and force them all to kill each other until 1 is left standing....I think he should call it BATTLE ROYALE!
Hey, we're Dreamstreet and we're coming your way!

[Image: sig.gif]
My HK DVD Sets
I get rather bored of MXC quickly and all the male sex jokes get stale after a while. however, I've heard the same jokes for almost a decade now, I'm tired of them in general.
Well with things getting so PC as of late where shows like Benny Hill and Monty Python would never get on the air if started today MXC is a nice breath of fresh air from time to time
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
Well while things man be PC for some it isn't for others. There is a double standered in this world. I love the Dave Chapelle Show and he said that if he was white he would be target as a racist. But because he isn't he is so damn funny. Is the things he points out in his show true yea in the most part. Could I saw those same things if I weren't in a room with my friends... Could you...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
lets see Benny Hill was a Dirty old man, Monty Python was laced with gender and homosexuality humor. Archie Bunker was a sexist and racist. The type of shows has definately swung to the other side since those shows where out. The shows out now are a direct opposide of the ones I listed.
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
"well ken stacy is a door to door mose ball cleaner"

This show is awesome i love it so much. i wonder if they will strart ot release it on dvd. cause i know spike has started to release some of its other shows. anyone know or heard anything about spike releasing some eps on dvd?

-Lacuna Coil-
[Image: LacunaCoilLogo.jpg]
Well since the huge succses of Famliy guy on DVD everything is coming out on DVD. It just depends on how long the run is on TV before they decide to release it on DVD.
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
I think releaseing a show like MXC on DVD would take more work then a regular show because not only are you negotiating with all the american people involved concerning royalties, ect but all the Japanese actors and people who made the original show they are using Takahashi's Castle
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
but also there are alot of show that suck and they are releasing on dvd like the apprentice, god i hated that show and donald his hair creeps me out !


[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


one of the funniest shows, my bro knows one of the hosts daughters.
Once the threads of fate are tangled they can never be undone..

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