Anime with swearing = BEST
And I trust my Japanese friends opinions more than your teachers. I've known them since my first year of high school. This conversation has come up. Unless your teacher was born and raised in Japan s/he doesn't know more about the language than my friends. I had a German teacher one year that didn't know shit about Germany. Just because they are a teacher doesn't mean what they say is right. Especially when you get into college. Teachers use too much opinion and make it sound like fact...
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
I just finished watching the last disc for the series, and I don't remember him cursing very much at all. Hakkai was portrayed as being overly polite and the only one out of the group with any manners.

In the R1's? The R1 dub of Saiyuki first episode did terrible things to Hakkai's character, (it was on a disk from New Type so we watched it...) and that's why I was upset because he was cursing almost every other was just about everyone else who had seen the HK version of this, they discussed it in the anime newsgroups. I don't know about the subs for the R1's, Bella told me on the FX set that the subs weren't dub titled... she said it followed the dubs pretty closely though... so I'm thinking the R1's really made Hakkai like the others...dubs or subs... which is a shame since you are right, he was polite, and had manners., and that's what made him so charming...
Quote:Originally posted by Cidien
And I trust my Japanese friends opinions more than your teachers. I've known them since my first year of high school. This conversation has come up. Unless your teacher was born and raised in Japan s/he doesn't know more about the language than my friends. I had a German teacher one year that didn't know shit about Germany. Just because they are a teacher doesn't mean what they say is right. Especially when you get into college. Teachers use too much opinion and make it sound like fact...
Ah well, what can you do? I'm still inclined to think that companies in North America tend to add swears where really, there were none in the Japanese version. I find it it more civilized and not as detractive from the actual plot, there's nothing I hate more than having to listen to people who add a swear word into each of their sentences.
In the Cartoon Network versions of Outlaw Star and Trigun the swearing was edited out. Their really didn't seem any big deal with not having in the shows

I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
i agree with you on this robojack. me and my friend(who speaks japanese) were watching Memories subbed and when a swear word appeared in the subs i asked him if they really were saying that. he said no, it's a translation issue, if you say hell or damn or shit it's easier to get the point across than translating word for word what they just said, which is a near impossibility.
i've watched both the CN version of outlaw star and the real version. they were like two different animes, CN changed alot of it to make it airable and they even removed an episode or two. where as with trigun it didn't make much of a diffence but with OS it was.
Well I can understand with Outlaw Star the episode when they are at the resort planet getting castor shells and the Katar Katar gives a full frontal shot

I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
cuting out the dirty talk from outlaw star, took alot from the series. it partially made the series what it was. for example whole conversation about taking jene's space cherry, it makes the series funny.
Dirty, or rude talk is often present in anime, even in Japanese. That's fine, I certainly don't expect to going around blowing kisses at each other. But it's not the same as swearing, as I'm sure everyone knows.
Amethyst, I watched all 50 episodes of Saiyuki dubbed. Hakkai's character did not swear very much at all. Only time I can remember him swearing is when they would show some flashbacks to his past and he would remember what happened to his wife or whatever.

And to the rest of you, it is hard to translate everything word for word from one language to another. Also, another thing is that they have to write the scripts for the dubs so that they can make it match up to the lipflaps.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Amethyst, I watched all 50 episodes of Saiyuki dubbed. Hakkai's character did not swear very much at all. Only time I can remember him swearing is when they would show some flashbacks to his past and he would remember what happened to his wife or whatever.

Well then they must of changed it after passing out the first episode in New Type and monitoring the anime news groups cause everyone was upset by the changes they had made to Hakkai's character. He did cuss, almost every other word... Tsukiko and I were extremely upset by watching it, we thought it would be great since we both loved Saiyuki... so that means that we may need to give it a try, if we know it has been corrected..
Quote:Originally posted by Steve_the_Talking_Pie
Manga Video threw a lot of swears in as well. My all time favorite comes from the dubbed Devilman OAV.

"I'm going to rip off your head, and shit down your neck"

Trust me, that wasn't in the US Renditions version. Smile

That's the first line that popped into my mind when I saw the thread title.

I believe the line is actually...

"I'm going to rip your fucking head off, and shit down your neck." Wink

There were quite a few cussing scenes in Devilman, some of it seemed hilarious because it was so inappropriate for a few of the

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