Inuyasha Coming To An End?
It is annoying when a series goes on and on and on, manga or anime. I used to love Ranma 1/2 and got every issue of the comics until it got so boring I just couldnt be bothered reading it anymore... I still havent watched the end of the Ranma anime yet but I still watch older episodes because they are more fun and less repetetive. The reason the keep stuff going so long? MONEY! Detective Conan mentioned above has made massive amounts of money and people are still watching it! Why would greedy execs give that up?
Whats the old saying "to much of a good thing"
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
hopefully inuyasha will go out with a bang and have a decent ending instead of leaving ya wondering or having a cliffhanger.....*shrug.
It will eather end somewhat like Escaflowne did the series not the movie or it will be guy gets girl
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
They're basically going to pull a Ranma and kill the series by producing some ridiculous ending that will leave fans saying 'wtf!?' . The next episodes 162-163 released by Sunrise will be filler type. So that means they're gonna sum up the rest of the finale into 4 episodes. Here are the titles for the final four:

"Most Powerful Enemy, Parasite-Pupa Shippo!
"The Best Clue to Defeat Naraku
"The Two's Bond ~ Use the Shikon Shard! Pt.1
"The Two's Bond ~ Use the Shikon Shard! Pt.2

God I'm so pissed off about this. I realize they can't jump from chapters 332 - 372 (current chapter) in those final four episodes, so they'll just release their own ending while the manga is still going. If Sunrise wouldn't of wasted our time with all these filler episodes, we could of actually caught up with the manga and had a true ending.


Miroku's kazana sealed the fate of Hakudoushi. I still need to read the next two chapters but my point is, there's still way too much going on in the manga that I wish the anime would continue on...


- edit -

On whether the rumor is confirmed or not, it seems that the forum administrator of Yomiuri TV has also been talking about the show's ending on that date.

Still I wish Sunrise or Yomiuri TV would release an official press release on the matter.
That's a damn shame, dmr456. I really hope you 're wrong, but I have a feeling you're most likely right about this.
Forgot to add one more note to my previous post ^^;;
Their could be three reasons they don't do a press release. One they are jerking us around and their is going to be more episodes. 2 they want to be tight lipped just like they did with the last episode of Seinfeld not to give away anything or 3 They have a plot line the might change how you view the rest of the series ex they all die at the end, so after that every time you see the reruns you think it was a shame they all died at the end
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
Quote:They have a plot line the might change how you view the rest of the series ex they all die at the end, so after that every time you see the reruns you think it was a shame they all died at the end

Since the manga will be continuing (I think), I don't think the producers would do anything as foolish as killing everyone off. If they did something like that, Rumiko would have a heart attack.
I guess I have grown synical in my old age. I don't read to much into rumors on anime, LA TV ect. To many let down from the Fox network
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
I can't believe Inu-Yasha is coming to an end. Although I think it might be for the best. I, for one don't like series' that go on and on forever. I think 167 eps is a good place to stop. Mabye they should make a continuation of it or something....or mabye not.
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King Of Bandits Jing

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JingRoyale Wrote:Mabye they should make a continuation of it or something....or mabye not.

Thanks for being so decisive. Rolleyes

I've also heard this rumor of InuYasha ending soon. Forgot exactly where I read it though.
I know. I shouldn't have said that.
There can be tears of sadness, and there can be tears of joy, but they are far from the same.

King Of Bandits Jing

My DVD trade list:
I have also been readeing about Inuyasha ending.I read that it will end in september.I have seen through episode 155 and the first 3 movies.I only hope that it has a good ending. Wink
If all flower's were roses, they wouldn't be as sweet.

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