IM conversation with dumbass
Guess who IM me. Her's a cut and paste of the conversation for anyone who is interested. His extreme ignorance really is pretty funny.

WARNING: This might be kinda long, so I don't really expect you guys to read all of it.

Crate Digga 909: hi
PrymeTm21: suck a dick
Crate Digga 909: yo man i dont even know u
Crate Digga 909: just talk to me for a sec here dude
PrymeTm21: so why u sayin' racial shit about me bitch?
Crate Digga 909: hey
PrymeTm21: fine. go ahead. talk
Crate Digga 909: im tryin not to get into the cusses
Crate Digga 909: just here me out i was just fuckin around dude
PrymeTm21: too late for that don't u think?
PrymeTm21: sya what u got to say
Crate Digga 909: dude
Crate Digga 909: i explained myself in the forum
Crate Digga 909: but i just wanted to say i was just fuckin around
Crate Digga 909: like it went back and forth man
Crate Digga 909: u guys cut me up to
PrymeTm21: difference. i don't make racial remarks
PrymeTm21: that's not 'playing' or being 'fun'
Crate Digga 909: u brought in some shit regarding black people stereo types
PrymeTm21: are u black?
Crate Digga 909: no of coarse not i woulda already fliped if i was black over the ghetto shit LOL
PrymeTm21: so how does your excuse about me bringing up bla sterotypes make any sense?
Crate Digga 909: i didnt even say anything realted to african american stuff
PrymeTm21: u're sitting there trying to use slang in every other word. yet u're not even using it properly
Crate Digga 909: u said shit about ghetto and the language they speak
PrymeTm21: guess what? my neighborhood isn't the greeatest
PrymeTm21: half my school was black
Crate Digga 909: i dont care where your from
Crate Digga 909: so waht
PrymeTm21: i know more about that shit than you will ever know
Crate Digga 909: colour dont mean a damb thing
Crate Digga 909: u dont even know me
Crate Digga 909: or what school i went to
PrymeTm21: so i'm not saying anything that isn't true when i'm making fun of u and ud use of 'rap' slang
Crate Digga 909: sayin dude and dope is rap slang
Crate Digga 909: im sorry but i dont see alota slang in the way i type
PrymeTm21: it's easy to tell from ur posts that u're not ghetto, yet u continue to quote rap lyrics
Crate Digga 909: there ya go again
Crate Digga 909: that makes no sence
Crate Digga 909: Ghetto is poor
Crate Digga 909: every different culture race has different slang
Crate Digga 909: other than quoting that line of rap what have i said that is remotly what u would like to call GHETTO
PrymeTm21: zagatoo and JJ are from canada. I'd assume they're the same race as u, yet they don't use 'slang' the same way you do
PrymeTm21: wither way, bottom line is
Crate Digga 909: nothing i said was gangster
Crate Digga 909: u think i give to fucks
PrymeTm21: i didn't say no racial shit. never hae never will
PrymeTm21: you did
PrymeTm21: u didn't say sit about what i wrote
Crate Digga 909: i said sorry to the people on the board
PrymeTm21: but about an entire culture/race
Crate Digga 909: then u make shit up about me
PrymeTm21: and u think that somehow makes it OK?
Crate Digga 909: sayin this ghetto trash
Crate Digga 909: and then sayin lumberjacks
PrymeTm21: and that's another reason I know you're from the good part of town
Crate Digga 909: u have no IDEA
PrymeTm21: if you were rom a bad part, you'd know that shit like that gets u an ass beating
Crate Digga 909: dude
PrymeTm21: either that, or there are no minorities where you live
Crate Digga 909: we give ass beatings
PrymeTm21: so u guys sit there and make racial jokes with no consequences
PrymeTm21: by the way, i didn't say shit about lumberjacks
Crate Digga 909: im sorry but 6"7 300 pounds isnt tooo smart to fight
PrymeTm21: other than the very last post where I talked about plaid shirts
PrymeTm21: whose 6'7 300 lbs?
Crate Digga 909: me
PrymeTm21: fine by me
PrymeTm21: i'll still look you up if I'm ever in cnadaa
Crate Digga 909: im sorry but it jsut wouldnt work
PrymeTm21: canada
PrymeTm21: you think size means anything to me?
Crate Digga 909: no
Crate Digga 909: but u would lose
Crate Digga 909: theres no doubt
Crate Digga 909: no chance in hell
PrymeTm21: that's your opinion
Crate Digga 909: but anyway
PrymeTm21: well if I'm ever up there, we'll find out won't we?
PrymeTm21: di u have more to say?
Crate Digga 909: hahah damb right
Crate Digga 909: itll be fun i havent scraped in a while
Crate Digga 909: party on
Crate Digga 909: anyway
Crate Digga 909: ive said sorry about the comments
PrymeTm21: wel, i'm gonna end lik is tarted
PrymeTm21: go suck a fat dick
Crate Digga 909: see thats just dumb man
PrymeTm21: and don't think i'm ever forgetting shit
Crate Digga 909: i dont care about this
PrymeTm21: what yuou wrote is dumb
Crate Digga 909: so
Crate Digga 909: u think i give a fuck
Crate Digga 909: ud get fucked up
PrymeTm21: u don't care because you're not a minority dumbass
PrymeTm21: if u didn't give a fuck, u wouldn't ahve IM me
Crate Digga 909: i dont care we let in more imports than any other country in the world u moron
Crate Digga 909: my family is of a different race u jack ass
PrymeTm21: u still don't get it do u
PrymeTm21: what are u?
Crate Digga 909: romanian
PrymeTm21: where's your pic since u like making fun of others?
Crate Digga 909: u want my pic
PrymeTm21: let's see this pic of you and your 6'7" self
PrymeTm21: post it on teh forums for everyone if you want
Crate Digga 909: how do i send it to u in this?
PrymeTm21: hahahaha
PrymeTm21: u think i'd accept any thing from you?
Crate Digga 909: im sorry im not a internet dude
PrymeTm21: do u think i'm stupid enough to infect my computer by accepting an attachment from you?
Crate Digga 909: and u think id know how to send somthin thatll fuck ur shit up
PrymeTm21: probably not
Crate Digga 909: im not that much of an idiot
Crate Digga 909: i dont do shit like that
PrymeTm21: u don't seem like the fastest car on the road
PrymeTm21: no. u only make racial jokes
Crate Digga 909: nope i strive in sports and music
PrymeTm21: sorry. wouldn't want to insult you
Crate Digga 909: i said some racial jokes so what
PrymeTm21: anyways, u're too stupid to understand and I ain't got shit to say to u
Crate Digga 909: so u dont wana pic
Crate Digga 909: and nothing i said has been to hard to understand
PrymeTm21: so go hit your head on a ceiling or whatever it is that 6'7'" people supposedly do
Crate Digga 909: why cant u talk like a man
Crate Digga 909: like really
Crate Digga 909: is it that hard
Crate Digga 909: i said sorry to the bored
PrymeTm21: is that waht you were doing earlier i the boards?
PrymeTm21: talking like a man?
Crate Digga 909: no cause i didnt really give a fuck
PrymeTm21: u're gonna say racial shit and expect me to forget and talk to you normally?
Crate Digga 909: which is being truthful
PrymeTm21: are u serious?
Crate Digga 909: i didnt care
Crate Digga 909: its not liek i knew anyone
PrymeTm21: so u didn't give a fuck, but now u do?
PrymeTm21: so u chose to come on and pick on me?
PrymeTm21: because I was a minority?
PrymeTm21: or because I seemed like easy prey?
Crate Digga 909: basicly but i came to say sorry and i dont care about what u think of me i dont know u i just wanted u to no argue with me on the boreds cause im noramlly just on theri once in a while for info
PrymeTm21: well, u're a racist and i don't have shit to say to you
Crate Digga 909: just a truce for the forum but if u wana fight well fight thats cool with me
Crate Digga 909: no im not
PrymeTm21: and if you think you're not a racist, ask anyone whose read your posts
Crate Digga 909: i erased them all cause im ashamed
PrymeTm21: any whose not, never would ahve posted that shit
Crate Digga 909: they were stupid things to say and i didnt think about them
PrymeTm21: too late, i already copy and pasted them and sent them to JJ
Crate Digga 909: thats bitch
Crate Digga 909: and who's JJ
PrymeTm21: maybe he'll do something about it, maybe he won't
PrymeTm21: the owner of the site
Crate Digga 909: so
PrymeTm21: if u read the FAQ, it says no racial slurs will be tolerated
PrymeTm21: and will lead to an immediate ban
Crate Digga 909: well u were down talkin black people
PrymeTm21: no i wasn't
Crate Digga 909: yea u were
PrymeTm21: what bad thing did i say about blacks?
PrymeTm21: we'll just ask the forum mmbers, and if they think I did something racial, i'll leave of my on free will
Crate Digga 909: by sayin why are u tryin to be black ur implying that all blacks use slang and shoot guns
PrymeTm21: but i don't have jack to say to you nor do i have to or wnat to explain myself to you
PrymeTm21: i never said 'black'
Crate Digga 909: oh u did
PrymeTm21: i said 'ghetto'
Crate Digga 909: wigger to
PrymeTm21: nope
PrymeTm21: that wasn't me
Crate Digga 909: well then it was ur posse
Crate Digga 909: the internet people
PrymeTm21: that was someone elses post
PrymeTm21: well, that's not 'my posse'
Crate Digga 909: ok dude just here me out
PrymeTm21: i do my own talking for myself
Crate Digga 909: i said sorry to the bored
Crate Digga 909: i said sorry to u
PrymeTm21: i can't control what other people say
Crate Digga 909: i dont care what u think
PrymeTm21: well, i'm not accepting your apology
Crate Digga 909: but on the boreds just dont come lookin for disses
Crate Digga 909: and i wont either
PrymeTm21: so go away
Crate Digga 909: i dont care if u axcept
PrymeTm21: hahahaha
PrymeTm21: i'm not making any type of agreements ata ll
Crate Digga 909: just dont come at me on the bord
PrymeTm21: or what?
PrymeTm21: u'll quote more racial shit?
Crate Digga 909: ur just a spazoid arnt ya
Crate Digga 909: u cant relax and let a couple comments go
Crate Digga 909: im pissed about u sayin untrue shit about me
Crate Digga 909: but i dont give to fucks
Crate Digga 909: i dont even know u
Crate Digga 909: and i know im not racist
Crate Digga 909: i said a couple jokes so shoot me LOL
PrymeTm21: everythign you're saying right now is making shit owrse, because all I'm gonna do is spoy and paste this conversation in the boards so everyone van get a good laugh at your ignorance
PrymeTm21: copy and paste
PrymeTm21: thanks for the material
Crate Digga 909: what are u talkin about
PrymeTm21: you are now being blocked
Sorry for the quadruple post, but that is the only way I could get the entire thing to fit.

I'd specifially like to point out how he keeps saying it was all in fun and that I shouldn't take it so seriously, yet he wrote:

Crate Digga 909: no of coarse not i woulda already fliped if i was black over the ghetto shit LOL

Um hmmm.

I can't believe the kid was stupid eough to IM me. Well, he's blocked now, so I won't be hearing anymore from him.
WTF this kid makes me laugh!

he should be called Grave Digga

coz hes dug a nice one for himself!

Ignorant Dicks aint worth my time, its a F*ckin Forum on anime and this guy pops out with the most innate racial piece of shit, i mean i just let this shit slide coz its just a forum, but saying sorry and doin a post about it and stuff is just plain old stupid, if you gonna say something stick by it or shut the hell up, dont think the Oh its cool i was only j/k excuse is gonna cut it! Rolleyes

Whys The World full of Dumbass Schmucks! i mean i get enough of it being brown and all but f*ck them! These kind of Dicks aint worth my the hassle, and if they ever do get seriuos a lay my fair share of Smack Down!

Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

That's just Hilarious. Obviously he doesn't know why I was pissed at him (I gotta learn to be less vague when talking to stupid people). I think he just started apoligizing when I told him what he was doing was Illegal. Somehow he also confuses me with you sometimes.
He he... who needs a signature when you got such a cute ass kitty avatar.

I think I'll call him McGuffin
What forum is this from? I'd like to see what he said.
Your name is messing me up Vic. This was from HERE...IA?????
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Quote:Originally posted by DARK OSAMU
What forum is this from? I'd like to see what he said.
Your name is messing me up Vic. This was from HERE...IA?????

I think this is the thread :
Vicious - You really did open that can of whoop ass on that idiot. I couldn't believe some of the shit that was coming (or flowing as he would have said) out of his mouth. I like meeting people from all different backgrounds, but it is jerks like him that makes me sick of the place I grew up. Little Background info I grew up in what is the ghetto of Indianapolis. Ask Akane... I had to go home for a while and she came with. I was embarrased to show her were I grew up and the life I once lived. Just because you are from there doesn't mean you have to turn out like that. Thanks Vicious for doing something I didn't have the time to do.
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
so go hit your head on a ceiling or whatever it is that 6'7'" people supposedly do

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Quote:Originally posted by rarnom
I think this is the thread :

Actually, he went back and deleted alot of his posts because according to him, he was 'ashamed' of them.
That kid is so annoying. I grew up in the ghetto, still living here too - Jersey City, NJ. If that kid stood around my neighborhood, he would get beat up just for being white. It's sad, but stuff like that happens here all the time. It's tough growing up in a neighborhood like that - especially since I'm a girl. I walk down the street knowing I might get robbed or groped at. I've got a lot of stories about guys trying to touch me, my brothers getting jumped, racial stuff, getting mugged. Freshman year in high school, there were 3 shootings and one guy was stabbed in the leg as we were getting on the bus. I know what you mean Morgo - it's hard but there are good people that come out of here too. I had to work real hard just to go to college (grade-wise and financially) Once I make enough money, I am getting my family out of this hell hole and move to a nicer place. It pisses me off to hear someone who doesn't have a clue what it's really like and think it's cool to say stuff like that. He deserved every word Vicious said to him.
Good for you Vicious. Thankfully we have people like Vicious you can put trouble makers in their place. It only takes one idiot to ruin your day or at least to make you laugh at their stupidity. Don't worry Vicious much love and respect from my corner!Wink
I'm a little weary of refering to anywhere as a 'ghetto' though... In the UK we dont have 'ghettos' but I got mugged at knife point, robbed, attacked numerous times by scallies this year at uni... Doesnt make it a 'ghetto'...
Ook Ook... Go Vicious!
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.

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