Hiya! I'm new here!
Lol, I feel so loved (... and people think I'm pyscho, but heh lol. Considering today I was jumping up and down at school and shouting "CHI!!!" geiitng back "whats?" "CHI!!!!" well, ya, heh.)

Fav animes:
Rurouni Kenshin (Don't mess wiht me, I am DMAN OBESSED, lol)
Cowboy Bebop
Gundam Wing
Card Captors Sakura
Yu Yu Hakusho

Things I wanna see:
Ranma 1/2
Outlaw Star
I can't think of anything else, heh.
"Everything is clearer now..................... life is just a dream you know, it's never ending................... I'm assending....."

You're gonna carry that weight.
Good series, every one of them. You must have watched Cartoon Network for many years to see all of those. Oh yeah, why did you give us your real name? Just a wonder I had. Oh, and what is the name Sakura Kamiya from ?
Hot Damn, that was cool!

She can give us her real name if she wants...it doesn't really matter since not 100% of the people will remember.

So I am not going insane. I thought that it sounded like Cardcaptor Sakura but the Kamiya part messed with my mind. It sounds like Cardcaptor combined with Rurouni Kenshin. Lol. Aw hell, I am just going crazy now. Forget I mentioned it.
Hot Damn, that was cool!

Actually, nope! My cable so sucks we only GOT CN about two months ago. I kinda watch all my anime from borrowing it from my friend, she's somewhere on this site...

Why I said my real name? No idea, lol.

And Sakura Kamiya, lemme explain. My friend's writing an Inuyasha fanfic, and she's putting all her friends in it. But there was already a Sarah in it, so I just said I'd be Sakura, 'cus it sounds like my name, and I like the name. As for the Kamiya part... my character in the story has a bokken (my bro has one actually), hits people over the head with it, so I'll let you guess where I got that from.

But, I sorta am thinking (not that I probably will) I might make a manga, got four characters already! Just no storyline, heh. So, if I ever do, Sakura Kamiya will be the main character! Which sorta means me, 'cus once I drew myself in anime style and *shrugs* I dunno, lol.
"Everything is clearer now..................... life is just a dream you know, it's never ending................... I'm assending....."

You're gonna carry that weight.
Alright.....I am not insane. Nice to know. Oh yeah, the fic sounds like it would be pretty sweet. How did your bro come accross a bokken? Sorry for all the questions, and sorry if I have offended you with my prying. I am just.....like that. Lucky. I want a friend like that (referring to the part about the friend)who lends me stuff. Oh yes, goodluck with your manga. I am sure it will be pleasing.
Hot Damn, that was cool!

Actually, Sakura is a common name. I always liked the name, I didn't nescirilly take it from CCS. As for Kamiya, even though I got it from Kaoru, it is also just a last name. For instance, the main character of Digimon (forget his name, haven't watched that since 3rd game) last name was Kamiya.

And I know it's you Mina, so don't even try lying. Do you know how pissed off I am at you? *sighs* Why do you do this? Oh, and THANKS for calling me pyhsco.
"Everything is clearer now..................... life is just a dream you know, it's never ending................... I'm assending....."

You're gonna carry that weight.
Hi there and welcome Sarah!

and Sakura is a common name but a pretty oneBig Grin
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Not only is sakura a name, but it also means "cherry", "cherry blossom" or if it's sakura no ki it means "cherry tree". Big Grin

Hi, I'm SirChico.
I never would have known. About the Sakura no ki part.
Hot Damn, that was cool!


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