MXC (Most eXtreme Elimination Challenge)
that show is priceless, the best moment i've ever seen was the guy who did a cartwheel then attempted a backflip and landed on his neck. That was hilarity at it's best.
Teabagging girls' chins since 1983.
I get pumped when watching porno.
Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
I watch the show muted all the time.Wink

Phew.. and here I thought I was the only person who does that.Wink
The sounds are the worst part!!
They are just making fun of the japanese voices cause a show like that is just funny if you can screw around with what people say. One of the best shows for laughter if you ask me.
It's promoting subconscious racism. Woohoo.

And you thought William Hung was bad...
<a href="">Website</a>
well the sounds and dubb make it to be a all round enjoyment !

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Quote:Originally posted by ElVaquero
It's promoting subconscious racism. Woohoo.

that is the stupidest, most uber-politically correct load of crap ive ever heard.
the show doesnt make fun of japanese people, the dubs and the team names are all americanized, it doesnt have anything to do with racism, quit being so sensitive. besides, the purpose of the show is laughing at the expense of others. compared to that, the dubbing issue is inconsequential. i hate this whole trend of calling everything that acknowledges that there are different races racism.

its just rediculous, the obvious truth is that there are other races and people from other cultures and they arent the same as us, they have tv shows like that, and guess what, some of it is funny to other cultures. its funny here for the same reason its funny there. and if you can prove to me that what they actually say in the japanese version is any less ludicrous than what is said in the american version, i may change my opinion.

but until that happens, i stand tall and and proudly proclaim, "i like mXc and im not a racist."

-Hate me, for I am Vile
Look, maybe you just saw a one headed monkey carrying two watermelons.
Hey man, I like MXC and am not a racist too.. that's cool.

I'm not saying that the agenda of the show is to depict Japanese in a racist manner, but think about this: the only shows that get ported over are the "crazy" ones, the culture that is just "funny" to the American public.

What I am decrying is that only the stuff that is different from the norm gets imported. Go to the video store, you can get like 3 Takashi Miike films: Audition, Ichi The Killer, and Happiness Of The Katakuris. Now, if that's your exposure to the film-maker and to the Japanese film market, you're going to think that it's pretty fucked up, that it's all just insanity over across the ocean. Never mind that a lot of his movies are straight-up yakuza films that are actually superior to the off-beat flicks. I'm not saying that the show itself is saying "oh, hey look at those silly japs, they are so funny to laugh at (although this argument cannot be made for Banzai which is pretty much saying that, bastardizing the culture and pushing it into a negative light)." But if that is what the general public sees, that is what the general public could think.

Postscript: I am generally humorous and very politically incorrect (for humors sake only, though). I am definitely not promoting the oversensitivity like that at . Hell, those people are just nuts, I am just noticing and commenting on the sociological trend of isolationist nations. Please don't misunderstand me as stupidly political. Hell, I usually remove myself from active politics and choose instead just to watch.
<a href="">Website</a>
well the reason only the "crazy" japanese shows are brought over is the fact that its entertaining despite linguistic/cultural barriers. americans would not enjoy japanese soap operas; however, we do like japanese martial arts movies. and dont forget anime. we all love anime.

something you have to understand about the US is that our top export is entertainment. we entertain the world with our music and high budget shows and especcially movies. american television isnt going to see so much from japan because its the japanese(and everyone else) that are watching our movies and tv shows. if something gets brought over here, its because it is entertaining to americans because we dont already make something better. and when it comes to entertainment, the US reigns supreme.

and as for banzai, yeah, it likes to stereotype. but not nearly as bad as chappelle show. nothing on television is more racist than chappelle show. but i like both of those shows. ya know why? because stereotypes are funny as long as they arent used maliciously. every group of people everywhere has their stereotypes, and they aren't going away. plus they're funny, so what the hell.

and now that ive said that. i would like to apologize for "going off" on you. its just that i absolutely hate this super-sensitive PC attitude that seems to be getting more popular. your post kinda set me off, if only for being too vague and generalizing.


p.s. in case anyone is going to ask about my race, im (.5)fillipino plus some mix of english irish german
Look, maybe you just saw a one headed monkey carrying two watermelons.
I agree that the US is dominating the world entertainment industry.

Nice when we can come to an almost close agreement like that. It's all good.

You should try watching some of the good Japanese dramas sometime, they are actually really good (Ikebukuro West Gate Park comes to mind).

And Banzai is just kind of annoying... I dunno, Chapelle Show makes racism funny, Banzai is just boring.

Oh, well.
<a href="">Website</a>
banzai is funny when you watch it with a bunch of friends. i cant see the point of watching it alone. no betting = no fun.

Look, maybe you just saw a one headed monkey carrying two watermelons.
the almost live special will be in florida i believe so there they will have americans so they wont have to dubb, they also have tony hawk running the show so he will be running some of the courses.

this stuff is just for fun you all dont have to fight !
just watch it if you liek it and if you dont fuck off !

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


this show is getting better and better. they need to make an anime based on this show ! like have a back story to it you know like a kid that starts watching the show and then starts to train and then gets on the show that would be sweet !

anyone else agree?
or have a better story that might work as an anime for this show ?

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


As much of a perv as he is on the show Guy La Douch has to be the funniest character on the show. My fav episode was the one where the prison break happens the nurse with the beard propasitioning La Douch
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
Now this show just ticks me off, particularly with the bullshit voiceovers. Why couldn't the North American producers dub it faithfully to the original script of the show, like those of Iron Chef attempt to do? I find myself enjoying the show much more if I just turn off the volume.

If I were Beat Takeshi, I'd march over and kick all the producers' asses for screwing the show up so much.

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