POCKY japanese Snack !
Since I was little my family hosted exchange students from Asia. Every time we hosted a student we got all sorts of goodies; including some anime. The first anime I saw was "My Neighbor Totoro"; now that I think about it, the story doesn't center around a big furry... dust bunnie?, but around the family struggle. Anyway...

I've had Pocky, as well as other treats... I remember my favorite used to be the cookie koala's. I ate them until I got tired of them. They were filled with wither chocolate or strawberry. I also loved the expressions on them as well as their taste.
remember JJ had pocky, i didnt get any Sad maybe we should demand he restocks it by cluttering the requests forum! Big Grin
see you space cowboy...
sweet feedback everyone.
i ordered i package of chocolate and one strawberry from another site and if i like them ill order more ! i am looking for mint chocolate any one seen it any where ?
i saw it once but it sold out.

also that site you posted has like 12 diffrent flavors.
if there are more where is a another site to check out !

also what got me intrested in them is the anime please teacher !
she was always eating them !

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


I like the strawberry ones the most!

Generally, if you have a Chinese supermarket or any Asian supermarket nearby, 99% chance that you will find Pocky in there.
Regular size: $1.50
Jumbo size(1 stick=1 regular pack): $8.95
Quote:Originally posted by sanosuke
remember JJ had pocky, i didnt get any Sad maybe we should demand he restocks it by cluttering the requests forum! Big Grin

Hey JJ, looks like they want Pocky. You might want to talk to Schultz!Rolleyes
I've not tried that many flavours of pocky but:

Pumpkin is one of my fave

European Strawb is too creamy for me

Men's Choco is pretty standard

hard and rich ones are nice. i like the crunch

Almond ones are nice too.

I think pocky can be quite stingy at times.... some only have 5 sticks in a pack. V_V

My favourite one so far is actually Chestnut Toppo - alternative brand of pocky where the coating is actually inside.

You can also get pretz, which is basically pocky with no coating in various flavours... usually savoury. I got some giant pretz - the texture is kinda different from normal ones.

I had some peas recently. I found the standard ones too plain so tried the wasabi ones. They were hot. A few peas and i felt it sting my tongue... by the tenth one i was having brains spasms and surrendered. :o
Lots of Pocky is really rare or no longer in print (always the good ones, like Melon, and Blueberry Cheescake!),
but Glico comes out with a new Pocky flavor once a year.

Another site that might have more flavors then AsianFoodGrocer is http://www.snacktrend.com
there is a chinese supermarket somewhere in belfast where they sell pocky, i gotta find it and stock up for my next order of anime! Big Grin
see you space cowboy...
I just stocked up at [somewhere i am not allowed to post] - suffice to say it is one of the popular 3 dvd stores that also does snacks. Flat rate shipping so i'm not holding back. Mostly candy i got since i can get pocky wholesale anyway through my friend.

Crap selection here in Scotland. They will tide me over till i visit London next month and stock up at the Japanese supermarket!
just got my package of chocolate and Strawberry!
alot more in the chocolate which is cool
they are awesome though !

strawberry is my favorite !

i need to try some more packages.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Pocky is everywhere here in Vancouver. Since we have a large number of asian residents, there has always been Pocky around me (being asian myself also helped). Since I'm asian, my parents always bought groceries at the asian supermarkets and that always meant I got Pocky or Yan Yan or some sort of delicious fruit jelly cup. I never ate alotta American/Canadian candy as a child. They even sold Pocky at my old high school's store. I love the Wasabi Green Pea's that someone above brought up, that and those little sea weed packets. They're both very good, but leave your breath smelling less than perfect.

I remember when I was younger, I'd buy the candy that came in a box with a gashaphon. They have them still, but now they're like $3.00 a box.

I'd never order Pocky from the internet. It's pretty expensive at the sites of seen them at. That and I have a store with an entire section dedicated to Pocky within a two block radius.
god i need to get some pocky
bty I got my order 2 cases of ranmen and 2 cases of pocky and I am still alive didnt get sick from it just got sick from eating to much its nearly gone I got half left for both Big Grin
i just ordered 2 cases !
and some spicey ramen and some other jap snacks!

cant wait to get them.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE



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